18 Lovely Girl Names That End With An 'A'

When you think of names to save for your little one, it is not just the starting letter that counts; the ending letter is what adds the ring to it. Take the letter ‘A’, for example. Names that end with it have a feminine touch to it, often making the name shorter and crisper. This is probably why the majority of names have A as the ending letter. So, if you have been searching for beautiful baby girl names, look no further. Here is a list of the highest-rated baby names that end with an A. Read on to bookmark your favorite one!

1. Ava


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Ava is the perfect name to select if you are a fan of crisp and sweet names. It has gained popularity over the years for its special meaning. The translations of the word are loving, artistic, and bird-like. Who wouldn’t want to name their daughter something so delightful!

2. Amelia

Amelia is derived from the name Amalia, which is a German name. It translates to hardworking and industrious. It is one of the most famous names for girls on popular naming sites.

3. Ella

Ella is a beautiful name with Germanic roots. It was derived from the word Alia, which means foreign. It is also used as a short name for Eleanor or Elizabeth.

4. Lyla

The name has a beautiful feminine ring to it. It is an Arabic name that translates to dark beauty or dark night. It is perfect if you want your daughter to have a well-known yet rare name.

5. Ayla


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Ayla may sound similar to Ella but is the uncommon and rare version of the name. It has a sweet meaning of moonlight or halo. The name is Turkish but has Hebrew roots, making it more demanding.

6. Olivia

Olivia is running as one of the most famous names in America, and we can understand why. It translates to ‘strong army’ and connects to olive branches that symbolize peace. Who wouldn’t want such a catchy and meaningful name for themselves!

7. Cora

Cora is a vintage name that comes from the Green word Korē. It means maiden. It was a popular name from The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper.

8. Jenna

Jenna is a short form of the name Jennifer and has Cornish origins. It translates to fair lady, and the original name was Guinivere. So now you have three different variations to choose from.

9. Gianna

Gianna is a short version of the Italian name Giovanna, which translates to God’s grace. The name is gaining quite a popularity in the US, and we know why!

10. Kiana


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Kiana is a lovely name that has Hawaiian roots. It is also associated with Russian and Celtic languages. It translates to moon goddess and divine and is a precious choice for your little girl.

11. Isabella

伊莎贝拉是一个流行的名字,显然在前10 popular names in the US. It is the English name for the Spanish name Elizabeth which has Hebrew roots. Sounds sweet, doesn’t it?

12. Fiona

If you are a fan of the movie Shrek, this is where you know the name from. But that was not where the name originated. Fiona has Celtic origins and translates to beautiful.

13. Aria

Aria has been our name crush for ages, and it still has its charm. It has a light ring that is perfect for your baby girl. It is something music enthusiast parents can’t let go of!

14. Eliana

Eliana has Latin roots and translates to Sun. It also draws inspiration from the Hebrew language and denotes God’s gift as a meaning. Sounds charming for a baby girl, doesn’t it?

15. Arianna


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Arianna translates to the holy one. It has Latin and Greek roots and sounds like the perfect name to call your little princess.

16. Mila

Mila Kunis is who got this name and its deserved popularity. It’s pretty, cute, and compact. It has Slavic roots and translates to gracious.

17. Emma

If you are a FRIENDS fan, you know how precious the name is. The name Emma is derived from the German name Erma, which means strength.

18. Valentina


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The name Valentina is not new, but enticing. It has Spanish roots, but was initially taken from the Latin word ‘Valens.’ It directly translates to powerful. Who wouldn’t want to keep the name for their brave baby girl!

Selecting one name can be confusing, especially when you have so many to choose from. The trick is to keep your ears and mind open as the perfect name can be right around the corner! Also, you can always take inspiration from words and make one yourself! So, which of these names did you like the most? Let us know in the comments section!

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