15 Funniest Pregnancy Memes On The Web

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting phases in a woman’s life. Couples are overcome with felicity when they see those two pink lines in their home pregnancy kit. But soon, the mom-to-be would realize that pregnancy is one of the most arduous journeys she will ever have to go through in her life. What begins with a missed period soon paves way to nausea, mood swings, food aversions, bloating, back pain, and bladder incontinence among other things.

As your bump begins to grow, you lose sight of anything below your belly. Doing day to day activities such as standing up, basic grooming, and tying shoelaces prove to be an impossible feat to achieve. From certain wow moments to ROFL ones, pregnancy makes for tons of hilarious content on the internet. For this post, we have scoured the web for some hilarious memes that will help you laugh through the uncomfortable and awkward moments of pregnancy. Take a look below:

1. A Woman’s Gotta Pee!

Don’t ever cut in line in front of a pregnant woman in a public loo. We repeat, DON’T EVER.

2. I Am Never Getting Pregnant Again!

If we had a nickel for every time we had this thought.

3. Husbands, Are You Listening?


If your man is ready to put on a few pounds so that you are not the only one looking like a giant panda, you got yourselves a keeper, ladies.

4. It Does Have Some Perks

Okay, being pregnant has its pros and cons. And one of the perks is that nobody would dare question you if you put on a few extra pounds or decide to stuff your face with hamburgers.

5. Dirty Talk

说脏时需要一个全新的水平you are with a bump.

6. Why Am I Still Pregnant?


We bet this is one thought every pregnant woman had in her 9th month of pregnancy. Every waking moment seems miserable with the aches and pains, but also you cannot wait to hold your baby and begin this new chapter in your life.

7. Due Date: A Pregnancy Myth

Is there any baby who was born on the due date ever? We would love to know.

8. Just. Don’t. Eat. It.

Whether it is the last slice of pizza, the last piece of chocolate, or the leftover barbeque, it goes without saying that the food belongs to your pregnant wife.

9. Relatable AF


This pregnancy meme is as accurate as it gets.

10. Third Trimester Problems

We’re still waiting for someone to pick up the keys that were dropped on the floor last week.

Hilarious Memes Every Mom Can Relate To

We bet the below list of memes is not just hilarious, but 100% relatable to every mom out there!

11. Surprise Surprise!

We can’t help but laugh at that expression though.

12. Your Eyelashes Vs Your Baby’s

You are so proud of your baby’s long lashes, but you cannot help but wonder where he/she got it from.

13. Life’s A Mess, But So Is My House

Yes, it took some time, but you have finally realized that this is how your house is going to be for the next 18 years of your life.

14. Sleep? Nope, Never Heard Of It

Whoever said “sleep when the baby sleeps” never had a baby. Period.

15. The Struggles Of Putting Kids To Bed

Someone’s gotta play the bad cop, but it always ends up being the mom.

Being pregnant sure makes for some hilarious content. Did you enjoy our post? If so, don’t hesitate to share it with your pregnant and mom friends. Comment below and let us know your favorite memes.

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