5 FAQs And Answers That Make Parenting Easy

All parents out there have questions and doubts when it comes to their kids. After all, you learn as you grow. However, if you’re new parents or parents to kids who are only a couple of years old then this might be of interest to you. We have rounded up a list of frequently asked questions when it comes to parenting. Who knows, maybe your doubts will be answered below!

1. Should a sleeping baby be woken for feeding?

A doctor states that, “newborns who are small (especially less than six pounds at birth), you really need to consider waking the baby every three hours” because every baby doesn’t convey if they’re hungry or not, especially during their first few weeks. However, he also says, “It really should be evaluated on an individual basis depending on your baby.”

2. When can I take a newborn out in public?

Many moms need to run errands but are scared of their babies catching a cold or any other infection from the outside world. Doctors do recommend avoiding crowds until your baby is at least 3 months of age. For example, if your baby is under 3 months and gets a fever (more than 100), clinicians find it difficult to tell if it’s serious or not, because “babies don’t localise infections like adults.” This could result in admitting your baby so doctors can take some tests. It is best to avoid busy places, right? However, if you have people visiting, ensure their hands are washed and that they aren’t ill.

3. How do I know when to start feeding my baby solid food?

大多数婴儿不需要固体食物在first 6 months because they get all the nutrients they need from breast milk or formula. However, your paediatrician may recommend otherwise only IF your baby shows signs that they’re ready for more. For example, your baby could mimic your mouth movements, as they watch you eat or grab for food. Just remember, if they don’t seem interested at 6-7 months, it’s perfectly fine so don’t force feed!

4. Speaking of, let’s discuss WHAT your baby should eat once they graduate to solids.

Whenever your baby starts eating solids, ensure that the food is less allergenic and closest to breast milk and formula in taste and consistency (mashed bananas or rice cereal). Once introduced to the new taste, slowly increase the amount and watch for facial expressions. If the food goes in without a tantrum, you’re good to go. If the food is frowned at, try it again in a week or two.

5. When should my baby sit/crawl/talk/walk?

This varies from baby to baby because milestones occur at different times. Some can crawl early and not talk until later and vice versa. So don’t panic if your baby isn’t talking yet while another has already said a bunch of words. Below is an approximate timeline, but let them develop at their own pace!

4th month –most babies can support their head, begin to babble, and raise their head while lying on their stomach.

8th month –most babies can roll both ways; recognize their own name, laugh and squeal, and support their whole weight on their legs (while you keep them balanced, of course).

1 year –most babies can sit without help, crawl, pull themselves up to stand, say and use simple gestures like waving goodbye.

However, if you are worried, talk to your paediatrician.

Side note早产儿通常基于达到里程碑their due date, NOT their birthday. For example, a 2-month premature will likely sit up 2 months later than full-term babies. Later into their toddler years, premature babies catch up to full term babies.

Let us know if you want to know about more parenting questions!

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