9 Things No One Will Tell You About Motherhood

Being a mother is no walk in the park. You are the point of contact for every little need in the house. From finding a missing shirt to consoling your kids when they fight, you are the one they come running to. People say that motherhood is magical, and while there are incredible sides to it, no one really tells you about the struggles of being a mom. Not even your mother. Because mothers are superhumans, who take everything thrown at them, no matter how difficult, and turn them into a success. They make it look so easy. You might think you know everything about motherhood by watching your mom, but here are 9 things no one will probably tell you about being a mother:

1. Say Goodbye To Warm Food

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You feed your kids and ensure their stomachs are full. You clean the house, clear out the dishes, and lay the table. You’ve got all the chores done, and just when you sit down to eat, your little one will need something else from you. This happens so often that by this time, you’ve forgotten what it’s like to eat warm food.

2. Clean And Tidy Don’t Exist

When you have kids, having a clean house is nearly impossible. Toys are everywhere, and you can clean them how many ever times you’d like to, but they don’t get tidy. You might be a clean freak, but once you embrace motherhood, you just stop caring.

3. Your Tiny Human Version

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Your kid is just a reflection of you. They run around and follow you all day. They mirror what you do and want attention from you every waking minute.

4. Hidden Talents Come To The Surface

You might have only had the courage to sing and dance in the shower, but you become a pro at these things when you become a mom. You have your very own song for changing the diaper, feeding your baby, and giving them baths.

5. Reality Hits You

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之前becoming a mom, you probably would have judged parents of kids who throw tantrums at supermarkets. Now that you are a mother, you know how difficult it is to handle the little troublemakers and keep them from behaving like brats sometimes.

6. Me-Time Favorites

你最喜欢的地方成为washroom and shower. It’s the only time you get for yourself because the minute you’re out, they come at you with mommy this, mommy that, and zoop, you’ve lost your freedom and space.

7. You’re Not The Only One

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You love your kids unconditionally. No doubt. But sometimes, they can be such a pain the *cough* that you just don’t like them. Don’t worry, it’s normal, and you’re not the only one — every parent who loves their kids does not like them at certain times.

8. Bye Bye Buddies

Motherhood is bound to make you lose some friends. You are busy, and so are they. You might think that you’ll make time for them, but it seems impossible with your mommy schedule. But the plus side is that you’ll make a few new ones when you take your kids to the local park, drive them to school or piano class.

9. Salon Freedom

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Your trips to the salon are cut down drastically. But when you do find the time to go, it’s almost like a mini-vacation because you get a break from home and get pampered at the same time. That’s luxury when you are a mommy, and it’s the only me-time you get without being interrupted a hundred times.

You might think you have everything about motherhood figured out, but there are several things you learn on the go. It’s an experience like no other and has its share of struggles too. But mothers are superhumans, and their jobs are thankless. So it’s time we started appreciating our mothers more and realize their value in our lives.

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