The Beautiful Bond Between Babies And Dogs

如果你是一个宠物家长,你可能有一个everlasting bond with your pet that no one can replace. You know what it’s like to be a parent because of your furry baby. They teach you the true meaning of unconditional love and you are used to constantly pampering them. Being nervous or anxious while being pregnant is natural but when you’re a pet parent, this feeling of nervousness is higher because you are worried if your baby and your dog will get along. However, with a little bit of training, it is quite possible to prepare your pets for your baby’s arrival. The bond between your dog and your baby can be the most cherished and most inseparable bond that there ever is. Here is what you learn from the bond between your baby and your pet:

1. Friendship


After the first few weeks of your infant being home, your dog gets used to having them around. Because of the unconditional love they manifest, dogs and babies build a bond that cannot be replaced. They become like siblings. Dogs even tend to become overprotective of the little munchkin in your house. They eat together, play together, and even nap together. When you’re a pet parent who becomes a new parent to your baby, you witness the unbreakable bond that your dog builds with your child and it is nothing short of adorable!

2. Playmate


Babies get bored easily and parents have to find new ways to keep them entertained and engaged. With pets, your baby has entertainment for life. The bond between a small child and a dog is beyond words. Often, dogs understand that babies are delicate and small and need protection. They not only allow the babies to sit on them, gently beat them, and even pull their tails, but they protect the babies if they sense a danger to them. For those of you who have pets, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Those of you who don’t, sorry that you are missing out on so much in life!

3. Values


When your baby is around pets from a young age, they learn the value of respect and care from a tender age. They not only learn to care for their pets because who will not fall in love with their dogs (Duh!) but as they grow up, they also learn responsibility. As they take care of their pets, they also develop a feeling of self-competence. With dogs around, your kids might learn the art of emotional balance and start to feel more secure and comfortable in their skin.

4. Support


Anyone who has a dog will agree that they make the best support systems. If you’ve had a long and difficult day, a warm and energetic greeting from your furry baby is enough to turn your day around. They can even sense when you’ve been feeling low and will be there for you in ways that no one can. The same holds with your kids. Sometimes, kids have a bad day and may feel like they don’t want to talk to you about it. But having a dog will help them cope with difficult feelings and console them when needed.

5. Happiness


Dogs bring immense happiness into one’s life. They reciprocate ten times to what you give them and you cannot help but fall in love with them. Studies showed that 46% of children considered their pets as their strongest emotional support. Pets are also a great binding force for families. Children turn to their dogs for cuddles when they are sad or tired (1).

Several studies have proved that dogs improve the quality of life in humans. They reduce stress and attribute to emotional and physical well being. In children, pets play a bigger role. They contribute to social and educational development and also bring about improved levels of self-esteem and family bonding. What’s your favorite furry baby and human baby bonding moment? Comment below and let us know.

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