Dandruff During Pregnancy - Causes And Remedies


We’ve all been in a situation where we have felt embarrassed that we have dandruff. It’s easy to spot, and it appears as specs of white dots on our clothes, bags, and combs. While many people believe that dandruff is a result of poor hygiene, the reasons for it could be vast. Poor hygiene does contribute to dandruff, but it is not the sole reason for it. Dandruff is a scalp related problem, and it can even be painful to some. People often wonder if you can get dandruff when you are pregnant. The answer is simple. It is quite common for pregnant women to have dandruff. Some people experience an itchy scalp, and excessive hair loss when dealing with it. However, the key is to understand why it occurs, so there is a better chance of getting rid of it. So let’s look at why dandruff is caused during pregnancy.

What Causes Dandruff During Pregnancy?

There are several reasons why dandruff is caused during pregnancy. In some cases, it might not be related to hygiene at all, and it might be because of the changes that occur in your body due to the pregnancy. So let’s look at a few common causes of dandruff during pregnancy:

1. Increased Oil Production

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We’ve all heard about the “pregnancy glow” but have you ever wondered what causes it? While it’s common to have a radiant glow during pregnancy, increased oil production and blood flow cause it. Due to increased oil production, your skin tends to get irritated, which results in acne. It also causes scalp irritation, which leads to dandruff (1).

2. Sensitivity To Hair Care Products

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If you are not used to a particular type of chemical used in your hair oil or shampoo, it could cause inflammation to your scalp. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a patch test when you’re trying out new products to know if it is suitable for your skin and hair.

3. Body’s Reaction

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It is advisable to use chemical-free products during pregnancy to avoid allergies or unpleasant reactions. The best kind of products are the ones that are natural and organic and do not have any side effects.

Natural Remedies For Dandruff

Dandruff can be painful, embarrassing, and stressful. Therefore, once you know the reason for its cause, you can look at ways to treat it. Here are some of the natural remedies to treat dandruff at home:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

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It is commonly used as a cleansing agent for scalp and skin. It is considered safe to use during pregnancy when mixed with water to balance out the scalp’s pH. It contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and keeps your scalp clean (2). You can mix ACV with double the quantity of water and apply it to your scalp 30 minutes before taking a shower.

2. Aloe Vera

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Nothing like the power and magic of aloe vera! Fresh aloe vera gel is an excellent remedy to promote clear skin and nourishing hair. It helps tackle dryness and flakiness of the scalp and keeps dandruff at bay. It also helps soothe the scalp and moisturizes it.

3. Coconut Oil

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Coconut oil works as an excellent source of hydration for hair and skin. Apply coconut oil 2 hours before washing your hair to get well-nourished and moisturized locks. You could also keep it overnight to get the maximum benefit. Coconut oil is considered the safest option to treat dandruff by most pregnant women.

4. Sea Salt

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Sea salt can be used as a scrub to exfoliate the scalp. Add 2-3 spoons of sea salt to an oil-infused shampoo and gently massage the scalp. Apply a generous amount of conditioner after washing off the shampoo. This process is great to treat dry scalp and get rid of dandruff.

对于大多数女性来说,怀孕是一个充满压力的时间。With a lot of change to lifestyle, diet, and hormones, there can be changes in your hair and skin conditions. However, proper care can help ease these issues so you can have a comfortable pregnancy. What are some of the natural remedies you use to treat dandruff? Comment below and let us know.

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