Can Your Baby Be Affected With COVID-19?


可以有把握地说,冠状病毒是在这里tay. It’s been over a year since we heard of the first case of COVID-19, and since then, it has spread worldwide. It has killed so many people and drastically affected several lives. People have lost their jobs, homes, and even their loved ones during this disastrous time, and worry, panic, and fear have filled everyone’s lives. With the virus being such a significant part of our everyday life, one cannot help but wonder how it affects our children. More importantly, what effect does the virus have on our babies? Read this article to know more!

Can Children Be Affected By COVID-19?

Can Children Be Affected By COVID-19?

Image: Shutterstock

While cases of children affected by COVID-19 are not reported as much as adult cases, there have been instances where children have displayed minor symptoms. In some rare cases, children can get very sick because of SARS-CoV-2 that may even result in death (1). Hence, it is crucial that parents understand the seriousness of it and take every safety precaution seriously.

Make sure your kids do not step out of the house, but if they absolutely have to, ensure that they wear face masks, follow social distancing and use hand sanitizers. Do not go to crowded places, and ensure they wash their hands before they touch their face or eat something.

Can Babies Be Affected By COVID-19?

Can Babies Be Affected By COVID-19?

Image: Shutterstock

Now that we know how the virus affects children, let’s look at its impact on babies. Research says that most of the newborn babies who’ve tested positive for the virus have mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. However, there have been cases where babies have been severely affected by the virus (2). Therefore, pregnant women have to be extra cautious to avoid the virus.

According to medical experts, newborn babies are more susceptible to contracting the virus because of immature immunity systems. They are also at a higher risk of being affected by the virus because they have smaller airways which may cause them to develop breathing issues and respiratory tract infections (3).

What Should You Do If Your Baby Tests Positive?

What Should You Do If Your Baby Tests Positive?

Image: Shutterstock

最可怕的事情之一的父母now is to witness your child being sick. When it’s a newborn, this fear can be multifold and may overwhelm you. But panicking is not the solution. It’s important to be proactive and take the necessary steps to help your baby. So what should you do if your baby tests positive?

Newborns can contract the virus during childbirth or get infected if they are exposed to sick caregivers. Infants who cannot be tested for the virus and show no symptoms may be discharged instead of being hospitalized if the doctor recommends it. However, the baby’s caregivers must wear face masks and wash their hands frequently to prevent further contamination for the newborn (4).

If the mother tests positive, there are chances that the newborn may have the virus. If you’ve tested positive, it’s recommended that you stay away from your baby physically. It’s okay to keep your newborn’s crib next to your bed in the hospital, but you have to maintain distance at all times to avoid infecting your baby (5).


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Once your baby is home, ensure that you follow up regularly with your baby’s health care provider — by phone, virtually or via in-person visits. Do this for at least 14 days until the doctor clears you. If your baby tests negative, it’s best to take them home where they are safe and free from infections (6).

There is nothing scarier than when your baby is infected with a deadly virus. But do not panic and try to stay calm. With the proper care and guidance from your doctor, your baby should be fine and recover from COVID-19 in no time. Are you afraid that your baby will test positive for the virus? Comment below and tell us how you plan to deal with it!

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