7 Mistakes Most Parents Regret Making

Parenthood is not just a joyride. It is a rollercoaster of ups and downs that involve several setbacks, mistakes, and regrets. While most parents only want what’s best for their children, delivering on that is not always possible. Sometimes, parents make mistakes too. They are human at the end of the day, and it’s okay to make mistakes. However, the cost of some mistakes is higher than others, and as parents, it’s important to know that. Different parents have different values and principles which they instill in their kids. But the most common thing that every parent probably agrees on is that if they could go back in time, they would fix some of the mistakes they made with their children. So, let’s look at the seven mistakes that most parents regret making:

Lack Of Communication

It’s easy to get caught up in the nitty-gritty of life and forget to spend quality time with your kids. When babies communicate, it might not make a lot of sense. But it’s essential to have that experience, nonetheless. Parents tend to be preoccupied with work, chores, or other things instead of communicating with their children. You might not think this is a big deal, but before you know it, your kids are all grown up and living their lives.

Not Enough Hugs

Who doesn’t like hugs? If you said you don’t, you need help (we are not kidding). Hugs improve your mood and make you happy, literally by producing happy hormones in your body (1). So, hug your kids as much as you want and then some more! As they grow up, they might push you away or run away from you when you want to hug them. Therefore, hug them and get those snuggles in before they become “too cool” for your affection.

No Documentation

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We are lucky to be born in the digital era where documenting a special moment is extremely easy. With a tap of a finger, you can take pictures and videos of moments you want to cherish and look at them whenever you want. You can never have too many pictures and videos that help jog your memory of happy times. So, get those cameras out and get clicking.

Not Playing Enough Creative Games

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孩子都是免费的。他们没有禁忌或limitations. By restricting them to play only certain games, we are hindering their creativity and imagination. Therefore, allow them to play games or engage them in activities that let their creative juices flow. For example, if they are painting or drawing, don’t teach them how to draw/paint. Let them use paintbrushes, pencils, crayons, or sketch pens and create whatever they like to, however they wish to.

Being Too Strict

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We all have that one friend who was an expert at lying to their parents because they were too strict. Short weekend trips, sleepovers, and road trips are completely out of the question, but a simple lunch with friends also seems excessive with these friends. Parents who are too strict with their kids usually tend to regret being that way when their kids grow up. Because they might tarnish their relationship with their kids and only make the gap wider.

Discounting Opinions

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As parents, it’s natural to think you know what’s best for your kids. It’s only natural to believe that you know better than your kids because you’re older (duh). But what if we told you that there’s a better way to handle the situation when your kids have an opinion? Listen to them and consider what they are saying. Yes, you must guide them and show them what’s good, but discounting what they are saying entirely might not be the best approach. You might even learn a thing or two from your child!

Making Memories That Count

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You might have been working hard to provide for your family while your kids were growing up, and while that was the need of the hour, it would have prevented you from making happy memories with your child. So, it’s okay if you have to push that meeting for another day. Take your kid to the park, go on a picnic and paint the town red. Those are the memories that will bring a smile to your child’s face when they think about their childhood days.

Parenting is no walk in the park. It doesn’t come with an instruction manual or a rule book. So, no matter how mindful you are while raising your kids, you are bound to make a few mistakes. It’s only natural, so don’t beat yourself up over it. If you have a good relationship with your kids that’s filled with mutual respect, love, and care; you’ve done a good job! What are some of the things you regret in your parenting journey? We would love to hear from you. Comment below and let us know!

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