11 Color-Themed Names For Your Baby Girl

If you’re thinking of choosing a particular name for your child and you are drawing inspiration from colors, kudos to you. We can all agree that colors make life so much more vibrant, joyful, dramatic, and, well, better! Also, by choosing a color-themed name for your little one, they’ll learn to appreciate the different hues we come across each day!

If you have a particular color in mind, or if your child seems to be inclined to a specific color, then maybe you could pick a name for them accordingly. We’ve listed a few common color-themed names to help you with your baby naming process, so read on:

1. Esme

A beautiful variation of the lovely name Emerald, Esme is a perfect color-inspired name, especially if you love the color green. It has its roots in France, aligned with the color green and means “beloved”. It also has Persian origins where it means the same. Some people believe that Esme comes from the French word esmer that translates to “esteem” in English.

2. Ebony


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Most often used traditionally by African-American parents, this name is proudly carried to celebrate and hold high the beauty of dark or colored skin. The name soon gained popularity, thanks to how lovely it sounds. Ebony is primarily a dark-colored wood known for its shine and beautiful shade. It makes for a lovely name, don’t you think?

3. Scarlett


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No list of color-themed names can be complete without Scarlett in it! From celebrity star Scarlett Johansson to Scarlett O’Hara fromGone In The Wind,这个名字从未iled to steal our hearts! Scarlett is essentially an English name that means “red”. We can all agree that this name is charming, sensuous, and powerful, all at once!

4. Silver


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Although not the most common name out there as of now, Silver is no doubt gaining a slow rise in popularity. What’s best is that Silver is a gender-neutral name, so it works great for girls and boys! Silver seems particularly fitting if your baby girl loves extra bling in her life! Call her Silvie in short!

5. Ocean


Nothing screams “blue” like the ocean does! So, if you happen to be a fan of the color blue, then Ocean should make for a lovely name choice. In France, this name is spelled as Oceane, although it has Greek origins with the same meaning.

6. Rose


Another classic that has to be on the list, Rose, is quite a popular and well-loved moniker sported by several women. It rose to fame after the leading lady in the movie Titanic carried this name. Rose is essentially the name of a flower (of the same name), but it also aligns with pink.

7. Raven


Millennials who watched and loved the American sitcomThat’s So Ravenwill love this name! But that is not all; if you have a particular inclination to enjoy Edgar Allan Poe’s masterpiece,The Raven, then that is another reason to love this name. Raven essentially means “dark-haired”; however, it is a bird from the family of crows.

8. Hyacinth


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The name Hyacinth or Hyacinthe has Greek roots, meaning “blue larkspur” or “precious stone”. It also has a flower by the same name, one that is a deep purple, violet, or pale blue. The name exudes a sense of sophistication and exuberance, which is perfect for your little princess!

9. Aurelia


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An excellent name with Latin origins, Aurelia means “the golden one”, so if you love the shine and regalia that comes with this name, then you should go for it! What’s more, it has cute nicknames such as lia, ree, and aurie! Aurelia is also believed to be the name of the emperor Julius Caesar’s mother.

10. Ginger


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Love the shades of red and orange? Or maybe your little one is a red-head! If yes, then Ginger is the perfect moniker for them! Ginger is also the name of a powerful spice. Let’s not forget that ginger also brings to mind lovely gingerbread cookies! All in all, it is a beautiful name that doesn’t fail to fill us with warmth.

11. Iris


We’d like to end the list with a name that honors all the colors — Iris! This name is of Greek origin, and it is believed to mean “rainbow”. According to Greek mythology, Iris is also thought to be the goddess of the rainbow. Iris is also a kind of flower that comes in various colors, and they are a lovely sight to behold! It makes for a beautiful, awe-inspiring name for your little girl!

You can draw so much inspiration from the colors around you. Colors even have the power to set your mood and turn it around. If you feel strongly about a particular color, then go ahead and name your child after what inspires you! Which color-themed name did you like the most? Do you want to add more to our list? Feel free to do so in the comments section below!

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