All Mothers Experience These 9 Bittersweet Milestones

Watching your baby grow and learn new things is a significant achievement for parents. The very first step they take, the first time they pee in your lap, or even vomit after breastfeeding, they say their first words or make a new friend at school, all these moments are small steps towards proper development. These little moments can brighten up anyone’s day. Although, for a mother, it’s always a mixed feeling, witnessing their baby growing so quickly. And many such moments can leave a mother feeling bittersweet.

Let’s discuss some of these milestones that are off the charts but close to a mother’s heart. So, read along and feel loved!

1. Babies Looking At Themselves In The Mirror

Do you remember your baby gazing into the mirror? Babies are attracted by their reflections, with starry eyes staring back at them. However, babies typically don’t realize they are them until they are about 18 months old(1). This is a significant turning point since it shows that they are becoming self-conscious and aware of their personality. And it feels so special when they look in the mirror and praise themselves.

2. Their First Unstoppable Laugh

Their First Unstoppable Laugh

Image: Shutterstock

One of the most adorable milestones is the moment when your little one chuckles or smiles for the first time. It’s endearing and makes those restless nights more satisfying when both you and your baby used to cry. However, there is a brand-new accomplishment when a baby has an unstoppable laughing outburst for the first time. It’s just so soothing to the ears. Finally, something a mother will always cherish after watching their little one cry all the time. Also, you must have come across hundreds of videos on the internet. Quite funny yet so cute!

3. When Mum Turns, Mom

Another exciting milestone that parents often talk about long before it occurs: is your baby’s first words. Babies frequently start with more straightforward terms, like mum or dad, and work their way up. However, the first time your child uses a fully developed word to call you, that feeling is always memorable and close to a mother’s heart.

4. Responds To Their Name

Aaahh! That feeling when you call out your baby’s name, and they respond instantly, is pretty satisfying. Well, around six months old, your baby will often turn their head toward the person who calls their name, showing that they have understood that the term refers to them. This is a significant turning point since they are beginning to recognize their distinct individual identities. Way to go, little champ!

5. They Blow You A Kiss For The First Time

They Blow You A Kiss For The First Time

Image: Shutterstock

You eagerly wait for the time when your child can communicate with you. But unfortunately, when children are newborns, all they do is feed, nap, scream, and poop(Yes, that’s all!). And it’s not surprising that you have thoughts about it when you don’t receive feedback that lets us know we’re doing a fine job. However, the first time your baby brings their palm to their lips, makes a smooch sound, and waves their hand toward us is unforgettable because it is so precious and cute.

6. When They Leave For School

When They Leave For School

Image: Shutterstock

Your little one, dressed up to leave for school, can leave you with mixed emotions. But, the moment they step out of the house, only a mother can sense that feeling of pride and pain of seeing their kid entering the next stage of their life. And in the back of their minds, they know they can’t be there with their kid all the time.

7. They Like Someone Else’s Company More Than You

They Like Someone Else’s Company More Than You

Image: Shutterstock

This milestone is the moment of truth, believe it or not! You can all agree that babies can’t tolerate anyone’s presence unless they are with their caretakers (especially moms). As a result, they experience separation anxiety and scream for three milliseconds whenever they leave the room. But moms also enjoy taking showers alone from time to time, despite their constant need to be in their bubble. Therefore, when a baby climbs onto someone else’s lap for the first time, it can be a bittersweet feeling for moms, but primarily sweet because of the shower! (Just saying!)

8. When They Start Promising Things

A good parenting strategy is only good when it shows the child’s behavior results. But, then, it is a happy ending if your kid is well-disciplined in public places, listens to you, and respects your decisions. But when they make their first promise, that is the moment you realize that this young kid will make you feel proud someday.



Image: Shutterstock

It’s an emotional moment when you hear your kid coming to you on your birthday and presenting you with a handmade card. All those efforts your little one makes are just overwhelming for you.

Babies achieve different milestones each day. And watching them achieve those goals as a mother is just too emotional. So if you have mini-milestones you want to share with us, go ahead and comment on them. Happy parenting!

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