Can A Breastfeeding Mother Eat Papaya?


A child’s birth marks the beginning of a new chapter in a woman’s life. And, every day of motherhood, you learn something new about your little one. In fact, even the most confident of ladies struggle when it comes to providing the best to their babies. Few of the most persistent questions that a new mom has, revolves around breastfeeding. Be it about the ways to increase breast milk, which foods are the most beneficial, and can one have papaya while breastfeeding. If you are going through a similar sort of confusion, know that you are not alone. And, with advice pouring in from all corners, it is natural to feel even more confused.

One such dilemma exists when it comes to ‘papaya’ and ‘breastfeeding’. Since it is advised to not have papaya during pregnancy, the question of whether or not you can have it while breastfeeding does arise. Here, we will discuss this more in detail to help you understand better.

Can You Consume Papaya While Breastfeeding?

Image: Shutterstock

A lot of expecting mothers are apprehensive when it comes to consumption of papaya during pregnancy. This is primarily because one of the ingredients of papaya is latex, which might result in uterine contractions. And, this can prove to be unsafe during pregnancy (1). But, what about post-childbirth? Perhaps, this would be a great time to incorporate this fruit into your diet. Soon after delivery, most doctors suggest new moms have a lot of fruits to speed up their recovery. And, since papaya is enriched with essential minerals and vitamins, including it in your daily diet could only be beneficial.

What Are Its Benefits?

Image: Shutterstock

As we all know, papaya is a tropical fruit and is a rich source of calcium, magnesium, and essential vitamins. Here, we will list a few benefits of eating papaya during breastfeeding:

  1. Immunity Booster:Known for being an amazing Vitamin C source, it doesn’t come as a surprise that it can help with the recovery post childbirth. And, it can also have a positive impact on the immune system. So, you can perhaps try and eat it daily to keep flu and infections at bay.
  1. Helps With The Weight:Since papaya is a fruit that does not contain many calories, it can help you with your post-pregnancy weight management. Also, this can be really filling so you will not get those hunger pangs soon after.
  1. Increases Breast Milk Production:Papaya can be quite a super fruit in this sense. Apparently, it can also help with both the quality and quantity of breast milk. Papaya boosts the production of oxytocin hormones, which can help with the regulation of breast milk.
  1. No More Stomach Issues:Not only does papaya boost the production of milk, but it also helps to keep stomach ailments such as hemorrhoids and constipation at bay. Also, with its high fiber content, it keeps the stomach clean and also promotes healthy bowel movement.
  1. Relief In Menstrual Pain:Soon after the delivery, menstruation can be uncomfortable and a bit painful. But, with just a few servings, you will notice an ease in the flow. This, in turn, will help reduce the pain too.
  1. Healthy Skin:With your little one in the picture now, a regular parlor visit may not be that simple. Since papaya contains vitamins and antioxidants, it will help keep your skin healthy. And, may also help to keep those skin blemishes at bay too.

We hope that most of your confusions and doubts regarding whether or not you should be consuming papaya during breastfeeding are clear now. Since papaya is considered to be a super fruit, it can prove to be pretty beneficial for you. And, since your little one also gets his/her nutrients from you, it can also benefit him/her. But, do consult your doctor once if any confusion arises. They are there to help you. And, stay happy and positive. Happy motherhood!

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