Breastfeeding Moms Need Not Hurry To Start Solids: Here’s Why!

Six months is an important milestone for a baby as they learn to do so many things by this time: laugh, smile, crawl, and even feed themselves. This also means what they also eat changes as they transition from breastmilk or formula to a diet that consists of solids. But should you follow the routine other babies do as they turn six months old? While someone else’s baby may have started eating solid food early, your baby may follow a different eating pattern.

As for me, I’ve strictly followed the baby-led weaning technique. And it has wonderfully worked for my baby and me since it puts them in charge of what they eat and when. If you’re worried about whether you should start solids soon after your baby turns six months old, hold on. You don’t need to hurry. Here’s why:

What Does Baby-Led Weaning Mean?

What Does Baby-Led Weaning Mean

Image: Shutterstock

In baby-led weaning, a baby will start eating purees, move through complex pre-made stages of baby food, and then graduate to solids like adults. But until your baby can eat on their own, spoon-feeding is focused on (1).

Here, your baby decides the mealtime, and parents follow their lead. Parents need to make a note of developmental milestones, and when the baby is strong enough, they’ll be allowed to self-feed.

Your baby can also skip traditional foods. So, instead of making separate meals for your baby, you offer them the same meal that the whole family would indulge in, with a few modifications.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that your baby can swallow hard or complex meals like pizza or burgers. It simply means that they eat some of the same foods as the rest of the family, bearing in mind the portion size and what’s appropriate for their safety.

How Does Baby-Led Weaning Help?

How Does Baby-Led Weaning Help

Image: Shutterstock

这对我的孩子的方法引入固体fit us well. And there are several reasons why (2):

  • It helped a lazy mom like me since I can cook one meal only that the entire family can share. It helped me cut down on meal prep time, and since everyone is eating the same stuff, it saves money too! My baby, who is ten months old, now tries plenty of new foods. He can eat sweet potatoes, chicken, peas, and fruits like bananas that leave him licking his lips for more food.
  • Also, babies can spend more time bonding with the family as they eat together. This is great for the development of their social skills. Babies can also mimic how to swallow and chew as they watch people around them eat.
  • Babies get to taste a diverse range of goods with varied textures. Compared to pureed or packaged baby foods, baby-led weaning exposes babies to a greater variety of treats.
  • Babies also get a chance to exercise their motor skills as they bring up the piece of food to their mouths and get it inside, chew and swallow. With practice, they regulate themselves and avoid overeating as they get better control of what they eat.

When Should You Begin Baby-Led Weaning?

When Should You Begin Baby-Led Weaning

Image: Shutterstock

Your baby needs to display some developmental readiness to qualify for baby-led weaning. They should be able to sit upright with minimal or no support, reach out for an object, pick it, and put it inside their mouth. They should also have a developed tongue-thrust reflex (3).

Most babies will reach this stage by the time they turn six months of age. But you need to be mindful that some babies might have a delayed growth rate, especially if they were born early or premature (4).

Is Baby-Led Weaning Safe?

Is Baby-Led Weaning Safe

Image: Shutterstock

When babies learn how to feed themselves, parents or caregivers should limit all distractions. They must avoid eating when watching T.V or any other electronic device.

Your baby may gag a little, but that’s okay since they are actually using muscles to get the food in and to protect their airway.

If you still have concerns about your baby’s safety, you may take an infant CPR course that can help you manage choking hazards (5).

Make sure you feed your baby with foods that are firm enough to be picked and held and soft enough to be chewed well. Some great options are banana, pear, kiwi, mango, avocado, steamed or roasted vegetables like carrots or squash, shredded meat (6).

Breast Milk is crucial for your baby for the first six months. And no other food is as nutritious for your baby as mom’s milk (7). Speak to your pediatrician about your baby’s ability and readiness for baby-led weaning if you consider this as an option. I started pre-loading spoons with food and let my baby hold them. This was an easy way to teach my baby to self-feed. How did you begin baby-led weaning? Do share your experiences with us in the comments section.

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