Bedtime Routine: Let Dads Takeover And Moms Take A Break

As is the usual routine at my house, I ask my kids to wind up the toys after they are done playing, give them a shower, make them eat their dinner, clean up the kitchen, lock the doors, and just when I am about to retire to bed, my son comes up and says, “Mom, I want a cookie.” Oh God! Not now, I need a break, and I want it right now! I grind my teeth under the jaw, take a deep breath, keep my cool to convince my five-year-old that it’s bedtime now, and not the time to eat while trying to scare him that eating cookies at bedtime will rot his teeth. Alas, nothing works on him. All this while my husband is locked up in the study taking his conference calls.

Why moms always? Don’t you think it’s time for dads to share the responsibilities? At least take up the responsibility of putting the kids to bed. I can totally understand the amount of stress parents go through at work and home at the end of the day. But we must take some time out for kids too, and there are no second thoughts about it. After a long tiring day, moms deserve some ‘me’ time and dads can give her a break and take over some of her responsibilities to bond with the kids. And the best part is that you can unwind yourself by spending time with your kids.

So, when I put forth the idea to my husband about he taking over the bedtime routine, he was initially reluctant, but finally gave in.

The first few days were not easy because they’d taken their dad for granted – they would run around, jump on the bed, indulge in pillow fights, play ghost-ghost, and do more such silly things. But before my husband could change his mind and negotiate with me about how kids love to sleep with me, I had this masterplan. Bedtime stories and music!

My kids love bedtime stories, and they would never go to bed without listening to them. So, I bought a lot of interesting story books and also downloaded the soothing music app for kids. To date, my husband religiously narrates stories before they sleep. And, just when they bat their eyelids wearily, he would play the music on the app, and they would sleep blissfully. The peace at home that would follow is heavenly. He would then kiss them goodbye and tuck them into bed.

In the meantime, I would have my ‘me time’ – finish that book that has been pending for days and quickly catch up with the latest celeb gossip on Cosmopolitan. I would give them the feeling that I am oblivious to everything around me. But women are women, and they know what’s happening around. I do notice how the father and kids are happy together and are making memories. My husband would have a fair idea that I am resting, and I am glad he understands the importance of ‘me’ time.

I can’t stress enough on having a bedtime routine in place as it makes everything else fall in place. And most of all, kids get to rest enough and wake up fresh and fit. I appreciate that my husband takes time out for kids to put them to bed.

对父亲接管响应光明的一面ibility of bedtime routine is that it is good for your marriage. On hindsight as a father, you will be glad for spending those times with your kids.

Kids grow up very fast, and they will soon outgrow this phase. Until then it’s worth being with them, being there for them, and providing love and warmth.

All you dads out there, isn’t it worth taking the effort to take over the bedtime routine of kids and give your wife the much-needed break? Think about it and let us know what you feel by commenting below.

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