11 Baby Stuff You Can Totally Avoid

It makes sense to figure out how your priceless child adds on to your billings, especially when it’s stuff your little one does not really need. Expenses apart, it could also address your space constraint issues if you just know what is not necessary to buy for your children.

1. Bath Thermometer

Image: IStock

We are amused at the precision that mommies might want to seek when it comes to the bath water temperatures. But this tool might as well not be a great utility. You could simply touch the waters and tell whether your baby is going to be quite ok in there. Our grannies did that, so can we do that!

2. Baby shoes

Image: IStock

Why do mothers want their babies to put on shoes when the tiny ones haven’t started walking yet? It takes a good 18 months for babies to walk. So getting them to wear shoes serves well only if it has to be fanciful.

3. Traditional high chair

Image: Shutterstock

When was it that your baby most willingly sat in that high chair when you wanted to dine? May be for a few seconds, and he wanted to jump out.

4. Bottle warmer

Image: Mirco Vacca / Shutterstock

I wonder if this is that essential an accessory when your baby’s bottle can be warmed up in hot tap water, or if simply warm milk can do the job for you.

5. Diaper stacker

Image: IStock

You will realize that groping about for the diapers inside the stacker is way harder than piling them up in here. You might as well use a traditional basket or a bag.

6. Stuffed toys

Image: IStock

Your baby will not begin to play with stuffed toys until he is six months old or over. You don’t want to invest in them so early on then! Moreover, a lot of babies might be at a risk of SIDS by having too many stuffed toys around.

7. Baby food maker

Image: Shutterstock

Never been able to figure out how this is better or different from a blender at home.

8. Cutesy towels

Image: Shutterstock

These don’t last long, considering how quickly your baby outgrows them!

9. Changing table

Image: IStock

It might not do you a favor since you will be all over the place with your little one. Moreover, you most invariably end up changing your baby in its cot.

10. Fancy baby cribs

Image: IStock

Does your baby need such an expensive crib while it is most of the time crying to be out from that place?

11. Baby detergent powder

Image: Shutterstock

It might be a better idea to get one brand that is good for adults and babies alike, something that is perfume and dye free.

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