Are Most Babies Born On Weekdays? You Will Be Surprised

If legends are to be believed, then most babies would be born at night, isn’t it? Well, no. According to the CDC, most babies are born in between 8am to noon. In this post, we will look at exactly when most babies are typically born.

It’s true. The CDC research team which conducted the study were quite thorough about the timings and examined birth certificate data for children born between 2003 to 2013. This decade-long study helped determine whether the babies are born at night is just one of the many pregnancy and baby-related myths that seems to float around or is there any substance to it.


  • Most babies were born on Tuesday.
  • The highest rate of births was in between 8am and noon.
  • Monday through Friday witnessed more daylight births than Saturday and Sunday, which in turn, experienced more nighttime births.

While there may be many reasons the time of birth is important, and astrology places a huge emphasis on the time of birth, science has its reasons for reserving judgment. However, what we do know is that a 2005 study in the British Medical Journal suggested that “children born in between 9pm and 7am, were twice as likely to die within the first week itself.”

Dr. Astrid Jain, OB/GYN in North Carolina, feels that the time of birth doesn’t have “any rhyme or reason to it…Meaning you never know what you’re going to get when you head into labor and delivery.”

All said and done; it doesn’t matter whether your baby is born in the day or night. But, according to the empirical data, 8am to noon does seem like the most popular childbirth slot for most moms.

So, when was your baby born? At night, or in the day? Tell us about it here.

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