A Nutritional View Of Breastfeeding


Did you know that your little one can sense your smell and is familiar to your breastmilk’s unique scent? That is why you might have noticed him/her turning the head towards you when hungry. Truth be told, breastfeeding brings you and your tiny angel close to each other. The physical contact helps the little infant feel warm, secure and comforted. Not only is it beneficial for the newborn, but it also helps you by boosting the oxytocin levels. The hormone ‘oxytocin’ regulates the flow of the breastmilk and also keeps you calm (1).

Breastmilk is known to contain every nutrient that a newborn needs in the initial six months of his/her life. Nursing can protect the little one against illnesses such as diarrhea, pneumonia, among others. And, it might also help reduce the risk of obesity in adolescence and childhood. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the newborns should be exclusively fed breastmilk up to six months of age to ensure optimal development and health (2). And, post that, combine the breastmilk with proper food for as long as possible.

Milk, in itself, is a complex mixture. But, breastmilk is also dynamic in nature. And, the essential nutrients present can change with respect to the duration of nursing. The three distinct stages that occur in breastfeeding are as follows: colostrum, transitional milk, and then mature milk (3). Since breastfeeding is such a fascinating and valuable aspect of motherhood, it is worth discussing the intricacies of it. Here, we will discuss the usefulness of breastmilk in terms of the nutrition it provides. After all, it is vital to understand why mom’s milk makes the perfect first food for a newborn:

The First Stage – Colostrum

The First Stage - Colostrum

Image: Shutterstock

The very first phase of breastmilk, colostrum, begins somewhere during the gestation period itself. And, it goes on for a few days after the baby is born. The texture of the milk is thicker in comparison to what is produced in the later stages. The color is also creamy or yellowish. The milk, in this phase, has a high protein content. It also contains minerals, fat-soluble vitamins, and immunoglobulins. The immunoglobulins present are the antibodies that the mom passes on to the little infant, providing immunity for the little one. This protects the newborn from a range of viral and bacterial illnesses (4). The transitional milk replaces the colostrum in around two to four days post the baby’s birth.

The Second Stage – Transitional Milk

The Second Stage - Transitional Milk

Image: Shutterstock

After the first phase is over, transitional milk is produced for around the next two weeks. This milk is made up of high levels of water-soluble vitamins, lactose, and fats. And, also has more calories as compared to the colostrum (5).

The Final Stage – Mature Milk

The Final Stage - Mature Milk

Image: Shutterstock

The final milk that the mother produces is referred to as the mature milk. Around 90 percent of the milk is composed of water since it is essential to keep the little one hydrated. The remaining 10 percent is made up of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, which is what helps with the energy as well as growth. Mature milk is of two types – fore-milk and hind-milk. The former is found during the initial period and is composed of vitamins, proteins, and water. The latter comes after the initial milk has been released and majorly contains fats to ensure proper weight gain. Both are necessary to ensure the little one receives adequate nutrition for growth and development (6).

Now that you have a complete understanding of how the breastmilk provides nutrition to your little one, you should pat your own back for the amazing thing that you are doing. Continue to nurture your baby the way you do and see him/her grow into a beautiful being. Cherish and enjoy this splendid journey called motherhood. Cheers to all of you!

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