Priyanka Sagar

RDN LD,解释水平理论

Nutrition and Dietitics
MDS University Ajmer, Rajasthan
10 years

要不是是姜Spi的创始人ce Health, Minnesota, US, through which she provides nutrition counseling and medical nutrition therapy for prediabetes, cardiovascular health, food sensitivities and inflammation, and chronic and auto-immune diseases. Previously, she worked as a nutrition consultant in an outpatient clinic in Minneapolis for more than ten years.An advocate of plant-based nutrition, Priyanka believes in utilizing food as medicine and emphasizes a balanced lifestyle and positive behavior changes. She is the current Diversity Liaison for the Indians in Nutrition and Dietetics- Member Interest Group, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This position helps her promote cultural awareness of Indian culture and learn about other cultures and ethnicities.

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