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Origin, Meaning, And History Of Yadiel

Yadiel is the Spanish variation of the Hebrew name Yehudiel, which signifies “praise of God.” Due to its biblical connotations, new parents may interpret the name as a symbolic consecration of their infant son to God. The name is also said to be linked with the angels as it has significance to the Eastern Orthodox Church.

One archangel residing in one of the seven corners of God’s throne is Yadiel, aka Yehudiel or Jegudiel. According to Eastern Christian theology, there are seven angels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel; the other three are Selaphiel, Yehudiel, and Barachiel. In most depictions, he is shown carrying a three-thonged whip in one hand and a crown in the other. The whip is for those who do not spiritually labor, and the crown is God’s reward for righteousness.

In the traditional Eastern Orthodox portrayal, he is often depicted standing straight with a rod or staff in his left hand and a crown in his right. Individuals in positions of power refer to him because he stands up for those who exalt God. In some Catholic traditions, where each of the seven Archangels is given a day of the week, the archangel Yehudiel appears and is in charge on Friday.

It is believed that the archangel’s name was first mentioned in the non-canonical Book of Enoch between 130 BC and 68 AD. Later, he was given the name Iehudiel, based on the nationality of the first Christians.

Parents consider nicknames like Yadie, Yadi, Yady, El, and Dee for their boy names Yadiel. For the first time in 2008, this name appeared on the American male naming list. As a result, some Hispanic Americans seeking enlivening individuality have taken to the moniker. Since 2008, Yadiel has sometimes appeared in the top 1,000 baby names for boys, according to the Social Security Administration.

Yadiel Hernándezis a Cuban professional baseball player best known for playing for the teams Washington Nationals organization.Yadiel Riverais a Puerto Rican baseball player, popular for playing under teams like the Milwaukee Brewers, Miami Marlins, and Texas Rangers.


heart image
Praise of God
1 word, 6 letters, 3 vowels, 3 consonants
Medium length and easy to pronounce

How To Pronounce Yadiel?

Pronounced asyah-dee-el

The way you pronounce a name can make all the difference.

Listen to the sound of the name Yadiel in English.

Yadiel On The Popularity Chart

The name Yadiel has been through a rollercoaster of highs and lows since the early 2000s. Check out the graphs below to understand more.

Popularity Over Time

While the overall popularity is good, the name has been experiencing some dramatic highs and lows in recent years.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

The name Yadiel is favored by a handful of parents in the United States, yet it has never managed to enter the top 1000 names.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Yadiel

If you want to explore more names that sound like Yadiel, here are some suggestions.

Popular Sibling Names For Yadiel

If you are looking for some matching sibling names that resonate with Yadiel, check our suggestions here.

Boy Sibling Names For Yadiel

Find matching brother names for Yadiel and create a wonderful team of siblings.

Aadalarasanheart image Aadalarasuheart image Aadeelheart image Aadhilheart image Aadilheart image Aatulayaheart image Adalheart image Adalarheart image Adalarachanheart image Adalarasenheart image

Girl Sibling Names For Yadiel

Looking for some suitable sister names for Yadiel? Check out our collection of beautiful and unique names.

Aadelheideheart image Aadhilaheart image Aadilaheart image Adahliaheart image Adalaideheart image Adalbjorgheart image Adaleeheart image Adaleiaheart image Adaleideheart image Adaleighheart image

Other Popular Names Beginning With Y

Looking for more baby names starting with the letter Y to resonate with your family’s naming tradition or to rhyme with the sibling names? Find a range of alternative names starting with this letter.

Names With Similar Meaning As Yadiel

Do you want a name that sounds the same as Yadiel but sounds different? Take a look at the options listed below.

信息图:知道了Name Yadiel‘s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name Yadiel In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Yadiel

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Yadiel?

The name Yadiel means ‘praise of God.’

2. What is the origin of the name Yadiel?

Yadiel has a Spanish origin.

3. How to pronounce the name Yadiel?

Yadiel is pronounced as yah-dee-el.

4. What are some nicknames for Yadiel?

Yadi, Yaddy,Jade, Jadey, Yahoo, Didi, andDicould be some nicknames for Yadiel. However, parents could also make up new nicknames for their little ones according to their preferences.

5. What are the variations or alternate spellings of the name Yadiel?

Jegudiel, Iehudiel, and Jehudiel are some variations of Yadiel.Judahis also the root name of Yadiel and could be considered a variation. However, these are based on biblical texts and are not modern names.

6. What are some cute and unique middle names for Yadiel?

Yadiel is derived from the Biblical name of an archangel. Thus, other Biblical names likeAaronor Enosh may pair well as a middle name. Alternatively, since Yadiel has three syllables, you may use one- or two-syllable names as middle names for a phonetically pleasing full name. These may include Aang (Peace) andCarlene(Army).

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