7 Reasons Why Your Child Is Obese And What You Can Do


Chubby cheeks! Dimpled chin! Don’t these lines from a popular nursery rhyme about a child’s cute looks sound relatable? We often find chubby kids to be cute and simply adorable. However, what most of us are unaware of is that sometimes it could be a sign of early childhood obesity. But is childhood obesity something to be concerned about? Yes, because it leads to health issues like diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure in children – all of which, not long ago, were considered only as adult health problems. Not only that but being obese at such a young age can make kids the butt of jokes among their peers. This, in turn, affects their self-esteem and can lead to depression too (1). So, what causes childhood obesity? Here are a few reasons for it:

Reasons For Childhood Obesity

1. Parenting Challenges

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If children have working parents or a single parent without much of social support, then what they eat or do in their parents’ absence largely goes unchecked. At times, parents’ busy work schedules might often lead them to dine outside or go for instant or frozen foods which might not be healthy choices.

2. Addiction To Gadgets/Video Games

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In today’s age of smartphones and tabs, children are increasingly addicted to playing online games and watching videos. Such type of games/videos goes on for hours which makes kids stay away from any sort of physical activity. This sedentary activity coupled with lack of physical activity also leads to obesity.

3. Heredity

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If you’ve had obese members in your close family, then there are high chances that your child could also inherit those genes. Of course, our inheritance is not limited to genetics alone. The food that we consume is often influenced by our culture and the place we live in. And, if high-calorie food is the norm in your family fold, then your child could be at a risk for childhood obesity.

4. Stress

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We generally associate stress with adults. However, if the environment at home or outside is stressful – like constant quarrels between parents or bullying at school, then it can cause stress to children as well. This is when children might seek comfort food as a stress buster. And often, a child’s comfort food is junk food like ice creams, candies, fries, etc.

5. Irregular Sleep Routines

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Unhealthy sleep routine is closely associated with obesity. Lack of proper sleep can also cause depression and insomnia, making the child stay awake at odd hours. This causes your child to indulge in snacking at odd hours during the night, leading to obesity (2).

6. Boredom

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Kids too can get bored at times, just like adults. If they do not find anything engaging to do, especially in the absence of parents, they might indulge in mindless sedentary games and snacking on unhealthy food. Sometimes, they might simply snack on unhealthy food stuff just to keep themselves occupied while watching TV.

7. Diet

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The kind of food your child consumes is probably the number 1 reason for childhood obesity. Given a choice, your child would often choose high-calorie fried or baked foods, high-sugar foods like desserts and candies over healthy salads and fruits. Such unhealthy foods can cause obesity in kids.

What You Can Do

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Childhood obesity can be avoided if you decide to nip it in the bud. Here are a few ways to do it:

  1. Reduce the intake of restaurant food, junk food, and high-sugar foods. Include fresh vegetables, meats, eggs, and fruits in your diet.
  1. Working parents can try and cook at least one meal at home. If you are not a single parent, then involve your spouse and cook in turns. You can start off with simple recipes and divide the dishes between each other.
  1. Limit your child’s ‘screen time’ by keeping him/her engaged in physical games or simple household chores to be carried out in your absence. Encourage this habit by praising your child’s efforts.

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  1. If your kid shows out-of-normal behavior like overt aggressiveness or extreme withdrawal, he/she could be stressed or bullied. So, work in tandem with your child’s school teacher to help resolve the issue.
  1. Set a strict bed-time routine for your child and ensure he/she gets an adequate amount of sleep every day.
  1. Express your love to your child as often as possible. Telling your children how much you love them for the way they are, gives them a sense of reassurance. This helps boost your child’s self-esteem.

We hope that these tips help you keep your child away from childhood obesity. However, if you still find your child putting on excessive weight, do make sure to visit your doctor to better understand the condition. Your doctor will help you in getting your child back into healthy shape. Good luck!

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