If You Want to Stay Young and Live Long, Don't Reduce Lovemaking After Motherhood

Motherhood is an exciting phase in a couple’s life. A new mother’s life revolves entirely around her little munchkin. As she ends up exhausting her entire energy on her baby, by the end of the day, she is too tired to indulge in any physically exhausting activity, including lovemaking. The same holds true for her husband. Once they become parents, couples indulge in hugging and kissing their adorable newborn than each other, which in turn affects their love life.

另一个因素减少亲密关系有限公司uld be hormonal imbalances in a woman after pregnancy and childbirth. During the gestation period, pregnant women are normally prescribed Prolactin supplements to help them lactate. However, prolactin works by suppressing ovulation and other hormones, including those responsible for copulation. Estrogen is another hormone that has adverse effects on a pregnant woman’s love life. Estrogen levels affect the delicate pH balance of the genital area. The drastic fall in estrogen levels after childbirth dries out a woman’s genitals. Therefore, even if a couple tries to get back to being intimate again, she loses interest due to the discomfort resulting out of dryness.

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All this does not mean that motherhood should necessarily sound the death knell for your love life. Instead, with a little forethought and planning, you can balance your commitments to your baby, like breastfeeding, and also spice up your intimate sexuality with your husband. Because a robust love life will do a world of good to you in more ways than one. Listed here are some of it’s awesome benefits:

1. A Youthful Appearance

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You may have heard the old adage that love can take away years of aging from your face, which does have some truth to it. When you indulge in intimate love-making, your body gets an adrenaline rush, similar to what you experience when you exercise or dance. Adrenaline is a hormone that is associated with the feeling of happiness. When your mind and body are in a happy state, it is bound to reflect on your face. Now, you know the secret to the afterglow that follows an intimate romp!

2. Keeps infections at bay

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Another hormone that’ll do good to you is DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), which is released during an orgasm. DHEA boosts your immune system, speeds up tissue repair, makes your skin healthy and also acts as an antidepressant. Indulge in some love-making at least twice a week and your increased immunoglobulins are sure to protect you from colds and flus, apart from your husband!

3. A Perfect De-Stressor

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How often have you found yourself snoring happily soon after a round of love-making? Not only men, even women experience a sense of calmness and relaxation after all the intensity leading up to an orgasm. Love-making is a perfect de-stressor as it also helps you sleep better. Many people vouch for its sleep benefits, which also makes them re-energized to deal with regular stressors effectively.

4. Protects Your Heart

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Most people generally believe that a heightened adrenaline rush, similar to that experienced during love-making, is dangerous for the heart. However, that is not true. Heart attacks while reaching a climax are rare, and even if they do occur, there are other health factors involved. On the contrary, an active intimate relationship keeps you de-stressed, helps you sleep better, and boost estrogen levels, which protects women against heart diseases.

5. Better Bladder Control

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Women generally lose their bladder control to some degree after giving birth, although it does get better with time and some exercises. However, love-making can prove to be your savior in this instance because the muscles that help you gain control over your bladder are the same ones which help you achieve the big O.

So, if you have been one of those new moms who has put her love life into the back burner, it’s time to move ahead. While it has many health benefits, another benefit that is hard to ignore is the love between your husband and you, which will only get better and stronger!

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