A Mother of 3 Shares How to Get Back in Shape

The struggle of losing post-pregnancy weight is more than real. Although you desperately want to shed the extra pounds, as a new mother you know that ‘taking care of baby’ has taken over your schedule like a plague! The result? No time to hit the gym and loads of “baby” weight!

如果这听起来像你,是时候采取inspiration from Olga Baykina. This mother of 3 has some serious exercising moves up her sleeve that incorporate baby-time into your workout schedule in a fun way!
Check out her secrets to losing post-pregnancy weight.

1. Squats

Most exercises become all the more effective when you have some weight in your hands. And now that you have a baby there, you don’t have to replace it with dumbbells! Simply hold your child in your arms, a little further away from your body and bend into squat position. Go as low as you can and get back up to repeat.

2. Forward lunges

Still holding your baby in your arms, press them close to your belly and stand with your legs and feet wide apart. Starting with your right leg, take a big step forward and lower your upper half so that your right knee forms a 90° angle. Change legs and do the same. This counts as one set.

3. Side lunges

Since most of the pregnancy weight accumulates around your belly, hips and thighs, exercising these areas is vital. Olga recommends side lunges for the thighs.

To do this exercise, hold your baby in a way so that their tummy rests on your arms and faces downwards. Stand with your legs apart and take a huge step in towards the right, ensuring that your knee doesn’t go beyond your toes. Your left leg should be straight in this position. Switch legs and repeat the whole thing to complete a set.

4. Pliés

Holding your baby in your arms close to your body as you normally would, stand firmly on your feet beyond shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend your knees, going as low as you can, trying to aim for a 90° angle with your knees. Once you get there, hold the position you are in for about 2 to 3 minutes and then slowly get back up to standing position.

5. Hip Bridges

Lay down on your back on the floor or an exercising mat and hold your baby in front of you with your arms raised and your knees bent. Staying in this position, slowly lift your hips above the floor, raising your upper half too as far as you can then. Get back to original position and repeat.

6. Reverse curls

Just as for hip bridges, lay down on the floor on your back, curling your knees towards your chest with your legs perpendicular to the floor. Take your baby in your arms and place them on your shins. Now lift the upper half of your body along with your hips upwards, getting close enough to your knees so you can plant a kiss on your child’s forehead! Get to the starting position and repeat.

7. Plank

For this one, you don’t need to hold your baby. Just lay your baby on the floor on their tummy right beside and get into more or less the same position yourself. Place your elbows on the floor, straightening your body and resting on your forearms. Slowly raise your body straight while supporting your weight on your forearms and toes. Hold this position for a couple of minutes.

These exercises are not only super fun but they are also quite effective! Just bear in mind to have a good grip on your baby so that no accidents happen. Now go ahead and enjoy this new form of baby and you playtime!

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