Working Moms Deserve Applause For More Reasons Than You Think

Mothers are superhumans. It’s a fact that has been proved over and over again since time immemorial. They teach us values and life lessons that no one else can and they show us the importance of love, care, and kindness. They are great examples of multitaskers and there is almost nothing that a mother cannot do. Imagine bearing a life inside of you for nine months, then giving birth to a baby, and continuing to nurture and care for that baby while taking care of a family and working. They manage a family, give birth to babies, take care of children, excel at their jobs as well as cook, clean, and take care of everyone around them. If this isn’t superhuman, what is?

Working Moms Deserve Applause For More Reasons Than You Think

Image: Shutterstock

Back in the day, it was common practice for mothers to focus solely on their families. They were mostly homemakers who worked all day and night so that they have well-kept homes and food to feed the family. These jobs were greatly undermined but eventually, people started to understand the importance of homemakers in society. Even though they were not earning any money their jobs as homemakers were equally hard. However, these days the number of financially independent women has increased and there are plenty of mothers who manage an infant and their jobs. The notion that mothers cannot have successful careers no longer stands to be true. That is a brave step taken by women everywhere and they deserve way more appreciation than they get.


Working Moms Deserve Applause For More Reasons Than You Think

Image: Shutterstock

谁是一个母亲,你知道如何艰难is to make that choice of motherhood. It requires commitment, sacrifice, and a whole lot of dedication. Much like a high profile job, motherhood has its own set of challenges that require you to push through tough times and come out stronger. You are required to ride the wave and be successful through it all. It’s a bigger responsibility since there is a child to take care of who is solely dependent on you. Since women have done these things for centuries, the value and effort it takes have become unrecognized over the years. Women indeed make these things seem effortless, but the reality is quite different.

Working Moms Deserve Applause For More Reasons Than You Think

Image: Shutterstock

现在,what about mothers who manage all this but also pursue their careers? That requires twice the amount of hard work and dedication and yet, mothers do them. Some women delay motherhood until they have reached a certain point in their career because of the amount of sacrifice it takes. But some others choose to pursue their careers while embracing motherhood and these women deserve the utmost respect. Not only do they fulfill their duties as mothers but as career-driven women, they strive to reach professional levels of success. That is something that is more than just impressive and deserves way more applause.

Dual Life, Dual Challenges

Working Moms Deserve Applause For More Reasons Than You Think

Image: Shutterstock

Some of you might be wondering what the big deal is. Imagine having one of those nights where your baby keeps you up all night by crying. You don’t get sleep because your baby doesn’t. Yet you wake up the next day and take on that presentation or meeting with your clients and you crush it. Unless a working mother has a strong support system, doing this regularly is not a walk in the park. A strong support system does not just include a supportive husband, mother, sister, and in-laws but also an understanding boss, manager, and company. At the end of the day, it makes life fulfilling but it’s also important to realize that it is twice the amount of hard work and perseverance.

Working Moms Deserve Applause For More Reasons Than You Think

Image: Shutterstock

It’s not easy to be a mother but it’s tougher to be a mother with a career, and it’s time we start to recognize that. It’s time to applaud those superhuman mothers who prove that anything is possible. Because unlike what people believe, it is not impossible to be a doting mother and have a successful career. What are your thoughts on working moms? Comment below and let us know some of the difficulties you’ve faced as a working mother.

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