It’s Winter Time Again: Why You Need The Right Massage Oil For Your Baby

Ruddy, crack or chapped skin is not what you want your baby to have during winters. Winters are the times when your baby is vulnerable to have peely, flaky, dry and itchy skin, sometimes with spots on the face, hands and feet, bottom and creases on the skin. It’s normal to have dry skin during winters. Here are some of the reasons for your baby to develop wintery dry skin:

  1. Friction with warm clothing could contribute towards dry skin in babies.
  1. Cold air does not carry as much moisture as warm air does.
  1. Babies who have eczema do not have sufficient skin barrier to retain moisture and keep the irritants out. During winters, eczema tends to flare up in babies.
  1. Using too much soap, alcohol or hot water during winters can sap off the natural oils from baby’s skin.
  1. Using baby soaps that don’t have the right pH levels.
  1. Using perfumed moisturizers might actually do more harm than good to your baby’s skin.
  1. Inadequate nourishment also leads to drying of skin in babies.

Massaging babies is, therefore, an important part of their daily regimen during winters. Moreover, massaging is known to make your baby stronger, healthier and calmer. The massage time that you spend on your baby helps you bond well along with helping its skin stay conditioned, allow for good blood circulation and makes the bones stronger.

As you stroke your baby, you produce the feel-good hormone called oxytocin, which makes you feel good about yourself and your baby. The soft-talk with your baby and cooing along the way makes your baby relax as well. It might be a good idea to massage your baby with lukewarm oil. Make sure that the oil is not hot as it might burn your baby’s skin. Also, warm up a little before massaging, as your touch could be cold during winters.

However, you need to know what type of oil is good for massaging your baby. You want to use oils that are universally good, are non-staining, clinically proven and preserve your baby’s natural skin condition. Here’s why Himalaya brings you Baby Massage Oil that is good for use on a regular basis. The goodness of Olive Oil and Winter Cherry, which are the main constituents of the Baby Massage Oil help in improving your baby’s development and growth. The combination of these oils has been clinically proven and is known to be mild on your little one’s skin. It can be used both before bathing as massage oil and after bathing as a moisturizer.

A clinical study undertaken in the department of Pediatrics, Medical College, Kolkata, India, has proven the efficacy and safety of Himalaya’s Baby Massage Oil in the treatment of dry skin in infants. The oil, which is quickly absorbed, significantly reduces skin dryness while improving its softness and glow.


Tips to care for your baby’s skin in winters:

  1. Don’t overdress your baby as she may sweat and lose body fluids.
  1. Too many warm layers might cause dehydration, flushed cheeks, damp hair, heat rash and rapid breathing in your child.
  1. Always swaddle your baby when you take her out in winters.
  1. Make sure your baby’s stroller is water-proofed while going out.
  1. You can bathe your baby every day even in winters so long as you don’t apply harsh soaps or hot water.
  1. Moisturize your baby soon after you pat dry after the bath.
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