Quiz: Where Should You Really Give Birth - Home, Hospital Or Birth Center?

你是你的第三阶段最后一圈?我f yes, then chances are that you’d have most probably met all your pregnancy goals by now and are already in the ‘waiting room’ phase. This is a phase where you’ve started packing your hospital bag, made that important post-delivery checklist, and now waiting for the labor pains to begin any time soon. However, there is one last detail that you might want to look into – the place of birth. Where would you like to give birth – at home, hospital, or birth center? People may give you many suggestions, like how hospitals may be the best or ask you to go natural with the water birth. Confused? Well, don’t be. We’re here to help you out. Just take this simple quiz and discover for yourself what would be an ideal birthing scenario for you:


Mostly A:A home birth is what you seek. It gives you the solace and peace of mind, things which are necessary at the time of labor. Plus, it is completely cost effective. However, make sure to discuss your condition thoroughly with your doctor. Because, should any unexpected complications arise, any delay in reaching the hospital or getting a medical intervention might be risky.

Mostly B:A birthing center is your go-to destination! They provide you with a homely setting, including bigger beds, water tubs, and a professional midwife by your side, always ready to assist you. In case of any serious medical complications, they also have the facility to immediately transfer you to the nearest hospital.

Mostly C:我t’s a hospital birth for you! In case you are nervous or expecting some sort of complications, you can always visit your hospital facility and request a tour of the labor area. You’ll still be able to give birth naturally, but the fact that there are medical professionals around should give you enough confidence.

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