This Husband Was Unhappy With His Messy Wife And Look What He Did!

We thought the generations have moved from the era where home-keeping was considered a woman’s job. The image of a panting woman doing the chores at home while the man of the house sits sipping a coffee and reading his morning newspaper, did not fade away yet, at least from those from our generation. But if you thought the scenario has changed for good, and a man feels equally responsible about the household chores, think again.

Yes, think after reading this piece. A man in Italy was so upset with the affairs at his home that he approached the police after ‘tolerating’ the mess (literally) for two years.

In his complaint, the 47-year-old man blamed his 42-year-old wife for “bad management of domestic affairs”, as she has regularly neglected him for the past two years, kept the house unclean, and refused to cook for him. Not only that, the man had to get occasional kicks out of their bedroom!

While most of us would laugh it off and would tell him it is part of life, the paramilitary Carabinieri police took it seriously and brought it to the notice of a local Italian court. The case would be heard in October and the woman is likely to face a jail term of two to six years, if found guilty of mistreating the family members.

The article 572 in the Italian penal code recommends punishment for those who mistreat a “person in their family or a person entrusted to them for reasons of education, care or custody”.

The poor woman must be biting her nails (or even worse) while she waits for the verdict, which is quite a few months away to bring her a heartache out of anxiety.

You may ask, “Why couldn’t he have kept the house clean, and set an example for his wife?” We do not know whether he did it or not. But yes, how often have we seen men taking care of cleanliness and other matters at home when their wives are chilling? The trend is changing, no doubt and probably that is why this Italian case makes an interesting read. What do you think?

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