9 Things You Should Avoid Doing While You’re On Your Period

As women we all go through it, we all face it. When that time of the month is just about there we go crazy. We must deal with bloating, cramps, aches, nausea, and take care of domestic and professional responsibilities as well. You could be grappling with finding some relief to the situation, while your biological cycle gets the better of you. If you are not one of those lucky women who follow the traditions of staying indoors and relaxing, then there are a few things you must surely not do when you are on your periods.

1. Exercising vigorously

You are perhaps out of your mind if you want to do this bit. It’s time to go easy on yourself, sweetie. It’s alright to take up physical activities that help reduce menstrual pain. But too much exercising is a no-no. You don’t want to sweat or exhaust the already fatigued you during this time. In fact, if you have enrolled yourself on one of those fitness classes or a gym, your periods give you the best excuse to stay home and put away those exercise gears.

2. Cook

Here’s when frozen foods or takeaway foods come in handy. You could be very hungry, probably even starving. Perhaps you have a mish-mash of sensations ranging from a sizzler to Greek salad. Then there is an invariable craving for chocolate. You are all the more confused about what you want and end up ordering something randomly from a menu card. So, saving some frozen or ready-to-eat foods might find the best excuse when you have your monthly visitor just around the corner.

3. Eating junk

Having said all that in number two, you don’t want to binge eat either. Healthy eating is the key. No indulgence in deep-fry foods. No amount of excess fat or calories do any good to your body, so don’t give yourself a chance to accumulate them in your tissues. Bloating due to binge eating stays on! Avoid eating salty snacks too as they will only make you feel more bloated.

4. Going to bed without a pad

Although it might sound like being comfy, but not wearing a tampon or a pad before you go to sleep is not a good idea unless you want to ruin your sheets or mattress. Look for alternatives such as cloth pads that you can make yourself at home or buy online, or a menstrual cap if these can help you.


It can be unhygienic as the bacteria can cause infections and bad odors. It could be worse if you sweat during the day. There can’t be anything worse than stinking at your workplace. Always carry a spare pad in your handbag if you must go out or to work. Remember to change your pad once every three to four hours.

6. Going to work

You could be in the least productive phases while on your cycles. While at work, you expect to deliver the best. But when you know you can’t, and your body feels sore, it’s better to stay home than have an unyielding day. If you are one of those lucky women whose policies allow you to take an off from work because you are on your cycles, nothing like it. Else you might want to save your leaves for these days.

7. Watching films that make you cry

Your hormones are already causing your mood swings. You have emotional outbursts for no good reason. To add to it, a movie that can stir your emotion is not a thing to watch. Rather opt for a comedy film. You need bouts of laughter now.

8. Consuming dairy

You might think that dairy might be great to curb your menstrual cramps. During your periods, however, they might not be of good help. Dairy products such as cheese, milk, or yogurt contain arachidonic acid that only causes cramps. Instead, you could use non-dairy products such as coconut milk and make delicious smoothies out of them. You get the benefit of calcium and other nutrients from added berries.

9. Getting a waxing done

You may experience more pain when on periods owing to low estrogen levels. So if you must get a waxing done, plan for it in advance. The same holds good for a dentistry appointment!

And if you have been trying any of these at, then you know that you must put a full stop, like right now.

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