7 Things I Did For My Mind Every Single Day During My Pregnancy

From learning musical instruments to shopping endlessly, a lot of things are on a pregnant woman’s wish list. A close cousin of mine couldn’t wait to lay her hands on those pretty, polka-dotted maternity outfits. A friend enrolled herself in pregnancy yoga classes to help with her labor pains. In my case, I was aware that pregnancy was bound to be stressful. Therefore, I focused more on keeping myself mentally calm. To achieve this, here are a few things I did for my mind every day during my pregnancy:

1. Did Pregnancy-Related Research

Did Pregnancy-Related Research

Image: Shutterstock

With pregnancy comes the innumerable hospital visits, tests, and scans, some of which I hadn’t even heard of before. To keep myself abreast of them, I did a lot of pregnancy-related research. From online references, reading books on pregnancy to interacting with fellow pregnant ladies, I had done it all. But the best part was, of course, hearing stories of friends and family members who’d already been down that road.

2. Read Non-Pregnancy-Related Stuff

所有这些研究活动是不错,但有点bit exhausting too. So, I made it a point to indulge in some fiction or fun reading as well. And here’s a secret: I simply love comics! Not only did it make me nostalgic, it kept the child in me alive! It felt great to escape the seriously drab adult world and enter into the world of comics. Something I cherished immensely!

3. Created A Baby-Blueprint

Created A Baby-Blueprint

Image: Shutterstock

Soon after I announced my pregnancy, a lot of them wanted to discuss what my plans were for the baby. And no, it wasn’t about the color of the walls. Of course, not everything goes according to the plan during pregnancy. But, I found it quite helpful to create a blueprint for myself about my short-term goals. This way I was mentally prepared for a lot of things.

4. Indulged In Some Binge-Watching

I had opted for an early maternity leave from my work to give complete attention to myself. So, every day after my husband left for the office, I usually found a lot of time for myself. This was when I gave in to binge-watching my favorite shows – something I hadn’t done in a while. So, whether it was the popular ‘friends’hip sitcom that gave me the laughs or those crime-busting detective series that had me hooked, I made sure I missed out on nothing.

5. Spoke About My Fears

Spoke About My Fears

Image: Shutterstock

Yes, we all have certain fears and doubts about pregnancy. So did I. This is exactly why it was nice to discuss them with family members. But more importantly, I made sure to discuss them with my doctor. Whether it was postpartum depression or the chances of a breech birth, I discussed it all with my doctor who put those doubts to rest patiently.

6. Vented It Out!

Somehow the old wives believe that complaining about pregnancy pains is very un-motherly. It is something we are constantly made to feel guilty about. But then, it is a fact that pregnancy does cause pain, a lot of it! And those swinging hormonal changes don’t help either. So, once in a while, I did take it upon myself to share my woes with people close to me – my siblings, spouse or mother. And their constant reassurances were of a great help.

7. Slept And Overslept

Slept And Overslept

Image: Shutterstock

This is one indulgence a pregnant woman completely deserves! I had already accepted the fact that sooner or later I’ll be spending quite a few sleepless nights when my baby arrives. So, why not make the most of the opportunity? I slept at any time I felt like sleeping no matter which part of the day, or night, it was. There were times when I did oversleep, that too without any guilt. Soon, I realized I couldn’t have been more right after I gave birth. Because those uninterrupted siesta times are a thing of the past now.

I hope these personal snippets from my pregnancy journey help you chart out your own wish list. Or have you already made one for yourself? What is it that you have done (or doing) for your mind that can help during pregnancy? Do share in the comments below.

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