The Danger Of Overscheduling Your Kids

All parents want their children to be happy, successful and well-rounded individuals. And they believe that the best way to bring this about is to really invest in them when they are kids. Although it is great to take an interest in your children and root for their overall development, overscheduling them may not be the best way to accomplish this. Most parents want their kids to do as many extra curricular classes as they can from an early age so that it gives them an edge and the upper hand in many social and academic situations. Why be a doctor alone, when you can be a doctor who is also a concert pianist and has a degree in sculpting? Parents want kids to reach for the stars, but chances are that they will come short of reaching anything if they are overworked, exhausted and overstimulated. In your pursuit of trying to make your kids into the best versions of themselves that they can be, here’s why you should avoid overscheduling and allow them time to just be kids. Read on to know more!

What’s Wrong With Overscheduling Your Kids?

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There are several things that can go wrong when overscheduling your kids with an endless list of activities throughout the week. Here’s why it’s better to exercise restraint instead of letting them exert themselves.

1. Overscheduling Can Burn Out Our Kids

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If your child is on the go and scheduled to do many activities and school every day from a very young age, the chances of them experiencing burn out before they reach highschool is high. When a person is burned out, they feel overwhelmed and exhausted by what others expect them to get done daily. Children who are involved in too many activities with little to no downtime have a high chance of experiencing this phenomenon. Burnout with kids is largely due to their workload and the expectations their parents put on them to perform well. So your overscheduled kids might just reach a breaking point before their peers.

The right thing to do is to enquire if your children are okay with their own schedule. Assess if they are overworked and tired and cut back on those activities that may be too strenuous for them. If they have too many activities outside of school work, for instance, then that is one area that likely needs to be downsized. It’s not the end of the world if they can’t do chess, math and soccer all on the same day. Instead, focus on making sure that your child is healthy and happy and doing things that they truly find interesting.

2. Overscheduling Kills Playtime And Creativity

And before you say anything, yes playtime and creativity are important, some would say even more important than making your child attend various classes. Your kids need time to be kids. They need free time after school to be able to rest and relax. Being able to unwind and decompress will allow them to be more focused when needed. This is also why they need to play, because that’s how children learn. Playtime is crucial to child development. If they cannot get enough time to play, then their ability to develop their creativity decreases. There are actually 6 well known benefits of playtime, all essential for your child to possess . They are:

  1. Creativity
  2. Social skill development
  3. Cognitive development
  4. Physical development (i.e., balance, coordination)
  5. Communication skills
  6. Emotional development

3. Healthy Eating Is A Thing Of The Past

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Any parent who is chauffeuring their kids back and forth from activities all day long is going to be tempted to just stop at a drive through and get them something to eat. Let’s face it, kids get hungry at the most inconvenient times and can be unbearable to deal with when their stomach is growling. And parents are in no mood to slog away in the kitching after being stuck in traffic for hours on end. So picking up some fast food on the way seems like the perfect solution. And before you know it, it becomes the norm. Unfortunately, a slice of pizza and fries cannot give your child the nutrients they need to develop well. In fact, this unhealthy eating can eventually lead to many health related problems. So, don’t overschedule the kids and deny them and yourself of a good healthy home cooked meal.

4. It Can Cause Stress And Pressure

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This goes without saying; parental pressure may be the reason why a child excels at academics, multiple sports and various instruments. But it can also be the reason why they are anxious, stressed and constantly on edge. Being expected to excel at not one but all of these activities can be daunting and overwhelming for your little one, so take it easy on them.

Overscheduling your children and filling up their days with activities isn’t the only way to ensure that they do well in life. Sometimes what kids need is time to themselves, with their friends and family. Let them decide what extracurriculars they’d like to take on and at what pace. Happy parenting.

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