10 Superpowers Of Babies You Probably Didn't Know!

We all can agree on one thing, if there is anything super about babies, it is the fact that they can always get away with anything because of their big round eyes and chubby cheeks! In all seriousness, how can there be anything super about a human infant that is not even able to support the weight of its own head!

Compared to other mammals, human babies are very slow in their development processes. Kittens and puppies are up and running within a few days of being born whereas it takes human babies months just to learn how to crawl. How can a baby possess any sorts of superpowers? Read on to find out exactly how sophisticated the mind of a baby actually is.

1. Babies can use telepathy

Similar to the way blind people have boosted hearing and touch, babies compensate for poor verbal skills with their power of reading emotions. Babies are easily able to judge what an adult is feeling simply by reading the look on their faces.

2. Babies can remember a stranger’s face for years

Babies spend more time observing people they have never met than people they have met at least once in their life. This is because babies tend to look longer at things they have never seen before in order to learn more about it.

3. Babies can hear speech sounds that we cannot

As babies develop, they tend to concentrate more on the phonetics of their native language. Before this happens, all babies are easily able to spot the differences in all forms of speech. For example, a study has found that the /p/ and /b/ sounds in English are something that Arab adults are unable to distinguish. However, an Arab that has still not begun focusing on learning Arabic would easily be able to distinguish the difference between the two sounds.

4. Babies can fake cry

They understand that crying is a way of grabbing people’s attention. Therefore, there are times when babies fake cry simply to grab their parents’ attention. If your baby stops crying the moment you go to their aid, you should realize that all they need is a little love and affection.

5. Babies can distinguish between different tunes

Young babies are alert when it comes to differences in the tunes of different songs. A 2-3-year old child would not be able to tell when the tune in a song has changed as well as a young baby with its emotions and gestures.

6. Babies appreciate good art

A baby would show more interest towards a Picasso painting as compared to Monet paintings. Babies easily grow bored of looking at regular paintings However. paintings by great artists seem to pique their interest.

7. Babies can display various emotions

Babies are capable of displaying up to eight different kinds of emotions such as joy, interest, surprise, anger, sadness, disgust, fear and contempt.

8. Babies have brown fat

Babies have up to 5% of brown fat. Brown fat takes calories and burns them up to generate heat in order to keep a baby warm. This causes a baby’s metabolism to stay really high, allows them to stay slim just by lying in one place the entire day.

9. Babies grasp basic physics

Babies are able to rapidly pick up how various substances have different properties. They are able to predict how solids will react to their touch as opposed to liquids. This allows them to approach various objects in different manners depending on the object’s state, shape and size.

10. Babies learn to pronounce words before they can even speak

Long before babies actually learn how to speak, their brain already starts developing patterns for their motor neurons to allow the baby to pronounce words once they learn how to speak.

The next time you see a baby staring at you innocently with their big eyes, don’t underestimate them. They are able to grasp a lot more than what appears on the outside.

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