5 Ways To Reduce Anxiety While Expecting A Rainbow Baby After Loss


如果你曾经失去了一个孩子,你知道洛杉矶s is unimaginably painful. Whether it was because of a miscarriage, stillbirth, or death during infancy, it’s a tragic loss. The little one who you were so eager to meet after nine months was taken away from you, and that’s extremely devastating and unfair (to say the least). Or if you lost an infant, it can be traumatic. Naturally, you take time to process your loss and might even take time to start trying again. It’s natural for you to have doubts, fears, and anxiety about conceiving again. Thoughts like, “What if the same thing happens again?”, “Will I be able to deal with another loss?”, “Am I emotionally and physically ready to move on from my loss?”, overwhelm you and it’s absolutely normal.

When you finally get the news of your pregnancy again, you are more anxious than excited, and we are here to help you get through it. Here are five ways to help reduce your anxiety while expecting a rainbow baby:

1. Take It One Day At A Time

Take It One Day At A Time

Image: Shutterstock

There is no time frame to healing and getting over a loss, especially one this big. You might constantly feel like you’re fighting a losing battle in your efforts to move forward but don’t rush yourself. Take it one day or even one step at a time, and you’ll see progress. Slowly but steadily. It helps to maintain a journal or a chart to jot down tiny things you did every day to move forward, and before you know it, you’ll realize you’ve made incredible progress.

2. Remind Yourself That Every Pregnancy Is Unique

Remind Yourself That Every Pregnancy Is Unique

Image: Shutterstock

Your experience of the past might terrify you. It might fill you with thoughts that make you believe that your current pregnancy will be just like your last one. But you have to remember that every pregnancy is unique. It’s a journey that you take, and it’s not going to be exactly like the past.

3. Get Your Body Moving

Get Your Body Moving

Image: Shutterstock

If you believe that exercising during pregnancy is harmful for you, science tells you that you’re wrong. Getting your body moving during pregnancy prepares it for childbirth and makes it stronger. However, remember that you should not do strenuous exercises that might strain your body. Consult your doctor and ask them what’s the best exercise for you. Yoga, swimming, or simply walking can be great to get that pregnancy bod moving (1).

4. Celebrate Every Pregnant Moment

Celebrate Every Pregnant Moment

Image: Shutterstock

You might not want to share the news of your pregnancy with everyone because of the loss you’ve experienced, and honestly, you don’t have to. But that doesn’t mean you should avoid appreciating and celebrating every moment of your pregnancy with your loved ones. Focus on your present and give your rainbow baby all the attention, love, and care.

5. Reach Out For All The Support You Need

Reach Out For All The Support You Need

Image: Shutterstock

Your mental health is your priority during this time. Having a solid support system is essential to help you get through your hardest and darkest days. There may be days when your anxiety levels are through the roof, and other days might be a little better. Talk to trusted friends and family members who will be your support and strength. You can also seek professional help to help you cope with your anxiety better.

Dealing with a loss is no cakewalk. We understand that all these things are easier said than done, but it’s important that you focus on your baby right now. In a few months, you’ll be able to hold them in your arms and shower them with the love you’ve been yearning to give them. Remember that after every storm comes, a rainbow, and you will have yours too. Share it with fellow parents who are expecting their rainbow baby!

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