Home Remedies To Reduce Pregnancy-Induced Back Pain

怀孕有很多疼痛。绿草nted that it’s a beautiful time in a woman’s life, but it can be pretty overwhelming because of the several changes your body goes through. Your hormones go haywire, and you experience drastic mood swings. The morning sickness, food aversion, headaches, swollen ankles, inability to control your bladder and other unpleasant pregnancy symptoms make it a challenging time for women.

Another common symptom of pregnancy is backache, which can start from the second trimester of the pregnancy and continue even after the baby is born. Nine months of carrying the fetus take a toll on the body and the back literally bear the brunt of this. So back problem is something not to be taken lightly and treated like it will go away on its own. It can be harrowing and cause severe discomfort. So, if you want to find out how you can manage pregnancy-induced back pain, keep reading because we’ve got you covered.

In This Article

Reasons For Back Pain During Pregnancy

Reasons For Back Pain During Pregnancy

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Before looking at what you can do to deal with the back pain, let’s look at why you get it in the first place.

During pregnancy, your body is preparing to nurture and accommodate a baby for nine months. Your uterus prepares itself for labor, and your body changes to comply with that. Several changes occur. One of them being your ligaments. They become naturally thinner and softer while stretching out to prepare for labor. This can strain the joints of your lower back and pelvis, resulting in backache(1). Add to this the weight of the growing fetus for nine long months. Even during labor and delivery, the core and back muscles are engaged, causing further stress on the already sensitive back muscles and ligaments.

Home Remedies To Help With Back Pain During Pregnancy

Now that you’ve understood the science behind it, let’s look at some home remedies to help you manage it:

1. Exercise


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Incorporating a regular exercise routine can help strengthen your muscles and improve their flexibility. Besides, there are some exercises like stretching or yoga that specifically help with backache. Speak to your doctor about it and practice these light but effective exercises. Poses that help stretch your back might be the ones that give you the best relief. Be sure to exercise under the supervision of trainers who have the expertise in working out during maternity. It’s better to avoid physically intensive workouts that can cause a strain on the pregnant body.

2. Compress


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For those who suffer from severe period cramps, a hot water bag is probably your go-to remedy. You can try the same for your backache too. Alternate between applying a hot and cold compress on the area of pain for about 20 to 30 minutes. You can do this several times a day to help ease the pain. Be careful not to apply heat/cold on your abdomen as the extreme hot/cold temperature could harm your baby.

3. Posture


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As your belly bump grows, your balance might be compromised. To compensate for falling forward, you might lean back too much, which might strain your back muscles. Therefore, practice good posture by standing straight, keeping your shoulders relaxed and chest high. Don’t lock your knees, and don’t stand/sit for long periods.

4. Maternity Belt & Comfy Shoes

Maternity Belt & Comfy Shoes

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Maternity belts are a lifesaver when it comes to backaches. The additional support might help take the weight of your belly bump away. However, there is limited research on the effectiveness of a maternity belt but if you feel that it helps you, go for it after consulting your doctor.

When choosing footwear, ensure that comfort is a priority. Ditch the heels and wear shoes that offer adequate support. Avoid flat shoes and choose the ones that are low-heeled and provide good arch support.

5. Sleeping Position

Sleeping Position

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Pregnant women are advised to sleep on their side with one or both knees bent. Avoid sleeping on your back and make use of pregnancy pillows under your abdomen, behind your back, or between your bent knees. The sidewise sleeping positions cause comparatively less pressure on your body and back. While the flat-on-back position can cause discomfort, suffocation, and overall undue pressure on your back muscles.

6. Eat Healthy

Home Remedies To Reduce Pregnancy-Induced Back Pain

Image: Shutterstock

Your bone health is dependent on what you are consuming. A lack of calcium and other nutrients can affect bone health which can lead to back problems. Consult your doctor as well as your nutritionist to get you started on an amazing balanced diet. From fibers to organic delicacies, add all the items that provide the body with all the goodness. And at the same time, avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking. Both of these activities are not advisable even in our normal lives, and therefore more so during pregnancy. You risk your own health as well as your baby’s by intaking such unhealthy items. Strive to stay in the best of health, at least during your pregnancy and the postpartum period.

7.避免物理ically Straining Work

Home Remedies To Reduce Pregnancy-Induced Back Pain

Image: Shutterstock

During pregnancy, your body is naturally drained of energy from carrying and providing nutrition to the fetus. Doing hard labor during time as such is not at all advisable. Keep your household chores limited to light work. Ask your partner to assist in the more physically demanding tasks. Also, make sure to avoid lifting any kind of heavy objects. Your back, which is already strained, might not be able to bear any straining load and start giving trouble to you. Take help from your partner or other family members and save your back from issues.

While it’s common to have backache during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor if it’s severe and unbearable. They might recommend suitable medication or treatment to help you feel better. Ideally, you should start to feel okay in a few months, and the backaches should subside. Until then, hold on and stay strong — you’re doing great! How did you deal with backache during pregnancy? Let us know in the comments below!


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