Everything You Need To Know About Postpartum Belly Binding


You might not believe me when I say this, but my husband and I decided to have our second child because I wanted to try belly binding (true story!). Perhaps not an ideal reason to have a baby, but we were already parents at this point and knew how to handle the whole thing. So, fret not! We were not irresponsible, maybe just a little bit impulsive with the decision.

Jessica Alba worked around her pregnancy bod and returned smokin’ hot with this belly binding technique. She squeezed her back, hips and belly with tight corsets to get back to her pre-pregnancy body. She was not the only one. For generations, women have been binding their belly so they can restore their bodies into its original shape after childbirth. In several cultures, women followed this method, and it got me thinking, “Does it really work?”. I was curious to try it because my first pregnancy left me with a paunch that was very hard to shed.

Everything You Need To Know About Postpartum Belly Binding

Image: Shutterstock

After my first child was born, a friend of my husband and I asked me why I did not bind my belly. You might be wondering why he dared to cross that boundary and ask me such a question but before you burn with fury, let me tell you that we were close. He was a restaurant owner and a dear friend to my husband and I. Pho, as he was called, was asking me out of the concern and perhaps a little bit of curiosity because that seemed to be what most women were doing at that time.

But, to be honest, I did not consider belly binding because I presumed that my body would bounce back to normal after childbirth. You could say I was presumptuous for thinking that, but to me, it seemed like something I wouldn’t think about only because my mom recovered from her pregnancy quite quickly. She was a ballerina and survived three deliveries in the flash of an eye.

Everything You Need To Know About Postpartum Belly Binding

Image: Shutterstock

I was a cyclist in my younger days and a mountain climber, so I assumed it wouldn’t be a problem for me, but boy, was I wrong! Even after months of exercise and self-care, I still looked pregnant, and I was a bit frustrated. So I tried it, and here’s everything you need to know:

  • How Does It Work?

Binding your belly and hips helps tighten the loosened muscles and pushes the separated abdomen and hips back together. Relaxin is a hormone released by the human body during pregnancy. It helps increase mobility in your joints and allows easy stretching of the ligaments and muscles (1). However, remember that belly binding is not a substitute for healthy eating and exercise and does not magically burn fat (although we really wish it did).

  • Can It Be Harmful?

The bind squeezes all my organs together so it can prevent them from healing. I observed that every time I put on my wrap, my postpartum bleeding increased. It felt as though all my organs were squeezed in and pushed my bladder down, causing the bleeding. I consulted my OB-GYN and realized that the only solution was to stop binding and start kegel exercises.

  • Does Binding Work Later?

Childbirth can be traumatic for your body, so you might need to rest and recover naturally before adopting methods like binding. But belly binding in the later stages of postpartum is not as effective. Some women in my mommy group also said that their core felt stronger, but they still had their pregnancy weight.

Everything You Need To Know About Postpartum Belly Binding

Image: Shutterstock

While you may feel like you cannot wait to get back to your pre-pregnancy body, it is best to consult your doctor before you decide to belly bind. Apart from acute complications, your body can react to situations in different ways. Always pay attention to how you feel, your breath, blood flow, and other factors if you’re experimenting with this technique. Most importantly, embrace and love your body for what it is and work towards gradually making it better.

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