14 Pictures That Sum Up The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Of Pregnancy

When the thought of pregnancy comes to one’s head, the mind is flooded with dreamy pictures thanks to glamorous celebrities and social media. It is a similar picture that has been painted for most of us even during childhood. However, there is a lot more to pregnancy than just all of this. Be it morning sickness, pregnancy-related hair fall to erratic hormonal changes or absent-mindedness, there are a lot of things going on for an expecting mother; things that all soon-to-be mothers will vouch for.

Here, we bring you pictures that show the real side of pregnancy (unfiltered, of course):

1. Swollen Feet

Image: Pinterest

Most pregnant women get swelling in their feet during pregnancy, also known as edema. It might happen anytime during pregnancy but becomes visible mostly after the fifth month of pregnancy. So, if anyone says ‘Shoe Shopping’, the answer from all pregnant women will be a big, fat NO.

2. Pregnancy Rashes

Image: Pinterest

Also known as pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPS) rash. This picture here is the de-glam side of pregnancy for you!



Combing your hair can become a terrifying event, isn’t it? You might have also felt scared at some point during or after pregnancy to even check the comb, dreading the amount of hair loss that may have happened with just one stroke of hair brush.

4. Nausea


在这幅图中,你看到一个期望母亲惠etely refusing to come out of the bed. Pregnancy nausea it is! Feeling tired and not wanting to do anything is a common feeling for most pregnant women out there.

5. Brain (Mal) Function?


How many times have you gone inside a room with a mission in mind, but forgot soon after entering the room? In the picture shared here, this soon-to-be mother has kept the cereal box in the fridge, without even giving it a second thought. Sounds familiar?

6. Fingers Too Swollen?

Image: Pinterest

This expecting mother is removing her wedding ring strategically. Why so, you ask? This is because her fingers are too big for it now!

7. Those Crying Spells


The hormonal changes are at an all-time high during pregnancy. This is why most expecting mothers find themselves crying easily. At times, even for the silliest of things.

8. Oh, Those Cravings!


It is a sin to deny those ridiculous food cravings during pregnancy. So can’t really blame this soon-to-be mother, can we?

9. Those Much-Dreaded Pimples


The acne struggle is so real that this expecting mother felt elated just because it was only two pimples (for a change!) that day.

10. Pregnancy Pains


No matter how much it hurts, the expecting mothers are told to avoid medicines. This is why women come up with grand ways to ease themselves from pregnancy pains.

11. Perfect Canvas


Pregnant belly means much more surface area, isn’t it? Maybe, that’s why the mother-son duo here decided to use it as a writing pad!

12. Pregnant But Still Working


Pregnancy doesn’t mean one needs to stop working, especially if you love what you do. Work till you can manage, don’t you think so?

13. Get Back To What You Love


When you are expecting, you get a lot of time for yourself too. So, this pregnant lady decided to indulge in something that she loves doing- reading.

14. Brings You And Your Partner Closer

Image: Shutterstock

Pregnancy can be a wonderful time to rediscover your relationship with your spouse. Also, makes you thankful that you are sharing this journey with him.

There are many facets to pregnancy – good, bad and ugly. But, whatever it is, mothers don’t mind it even one bit. After all, it is all worth it when their tiny tot finally arrives in this world!

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