8 Parents Answer The Question, “How Did You Choose Your Baby’s Name?”

One of the first things you have to do as parents after your baby is born is choose a proper name for them. It’s a big deal, and the task can be high-pressure. After all, the name you give them is their first identity. It could define their lives in so many ways, and you want to get it right. Every parent has a different process of picking a name. Some choose to stick to names found in their family, while others name them after famous personalities. Some pick super unique names, and others look for names with profound meanings. Whatever the reason be, it’s a task that parents take seriously! So, we asked eight parents how they chose their babies names, here’s what they had to say:

1. It Was Meant To Be

It Was Meant To Be

Image: IStock

“Before my husband and I met, we both wanted to name our son Caleb. Destiny brought us together, and we were super excited to give our baby that name. But when I was pregnant, I found out I was having a girl. We even considered naming her Caleb but went ahead and chose differently. We named her Callie and hoped that the next baby would be Caleb, whether it was a boy or a girl. Lucky for us, we had a baby boy and named him Caleb!” – Kris

2. A Little Birdie

A Little Birdie

Image: IStock

“When my husband and I were trying to get pregnant, a wren built a nest on our door’s wreath. There were five eggs in them, and they all hatched. We watched them hatch and eventually fly away. It was a cute memory that we cherished. So, when we had our baby girl, we named her Wren.” – Susan

3. The Miracle Baby

The Miracle Baby

Image: IStock

“We were struggling with fertility issues. My partner and I wanted to have a baby, but it wasn’t meant for us (or so we thought). After months of contemplating, we decided to adopt. We brought home a four-week-old baby boy and were overjoyed. We felt blessed! After a week, I decided to take a pregnancy test because I was late. And guess what? I was pregnant! I sat there with my one-month-old baby in one hand and a positive pregnancy test in another. I knew right then that I’d name my miracle baby Issac!” – Jessica

4. Town’s Not Bad

Town’s Not Bad

Image: IStock

“One afternoon, my husband and I were watching television. We saw that a couple on the show named their child after the place they vacationed in and thought that was a good idea. We laughed about it because we visit Massachusetts often, and that name was too long for any child. So, we named our child Madison after the town park that was in Massachusetts. We have no regrets because she really likes her name.” – Andrea

5. The Cat Or The Character?

The Cat Or The Character

Image: IStock

“I fell in love with the name Olivia when I first heard it on the showLaw and Order.她是我最喜欢的角色!所以当我有my baby girl, there was no doubt that I would name her Olivia. The funny thing is I thought the show would be canceled by the time the little one grows up, but now she’s 12 years old, and the show is still airing. My daughter often asks me if I named her after the show or after Taylor Swift’s cat Olivia Benson!” – Ria

6. Fan Moment

Fan Moment

Image: IStock

“I grew up watching the iconic television showF.R.I.E.N.D.S, and I knew I would name my kids after one of them. So, when my little one was born, I named him Chandler (because he is my favorite), and three years later my daughter was born, who I named Rachel. I like Monica’s character on the show, but it felt weird to name my daughter Monica because then Chandler and Monica would be siblings! And no, that doesn’t feel right at all! It would feel very twisted.” – Brianna

7. The Teacher

The Teacher

Image: IStock

“I was fourteen when I heard the name Hallie for the first time. My English teacher mentioned that it was her mother’s name. I fell in love with the name. Ten years later, when I had my baby girl, I named her Hallie. When I bumped into my teacher, she saw me with my daughter and asked me her name. I told her it was Hallie, and I named my baby after her mom. She began to cry! It was such a special and emotional moment for me.” – Hannah

8. The Childhood Dream

The Childhood Dream

Image: IStock

“I was a huge fan of the showThe Wizards Of Waverly Place, and my favorite character was Alex. She was super cool, and someday I knew I would name my kid that. The best part about the name was that it was gender-neutral! So, when I was blessed with a baby boy, I kept that promise I made to myself.” – Sophia

Naming your kids is an important process, and it’s quite fascinating to see how parents come up with names for their children. What was your name choosing process? Comment below and let us know your story!

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