To Mask Or Not To Mask Children To Overcome COVID-19


We are facing an unprecedented global crisis. Experts are of the opinion that it may be a long time before the risk of COVID-19 is eliminated. Governments all around the world and institutions such as the World Health Organization are working towards making the world safer for us, and regain a semblance of normalcy. As of now, they have issued precise instructions on how to protect ourselves from this illness.

As the coronavirus can be transmitted through respiratory droplets (1), we have been requested to wear face masks for protection, in addition to social distancing. The other precautionary measures suggested are washing hands regularly, staying home so as to prevent the spread, maintaining a prescribed social distance. At this juncture, social gatherings of any sort are absolutely not encouraged. Most of us, with the exception of essential services, are working from home.

To Mask Or Not To Mask Children To Overcome COVID-19

Image: Shutterstock

If and when we have to step out of the house, for buying groceries or other essential activities, we are advised to protect ourelves by wearing a face mask. Initially, there were reports that suggested that it wasn’t necessary for healthy individuals to wear masks. This stance was quickly reconsidered as more and more cases of asymptomatic cases were reported, and we realized that wearing masks could help contain the spread.

To Mask Or Not To Mask Children To Overcome COVID-19,


If you are a parent, you might be concerned for your child’s safety. There was some confusion as to whether it was necessary or safe to make small children masks. Experts have come forward to say that everyone should wear protective masks, children included. A recent study pointed out that this is an effective way of keeping children safe. It also gave a few guidelines on how to do this. Prepare the child beforehand by explaining to them the need for a mask. Be careful not to upset them while doing so. Make sure that your child does not remove the mask. Ensure your child’s cooperation, and do not make them wear a mask against their will (2).

To Mask Or Not To Mask Children To Overcome COVID-19.,


Though the availability of masks was a problem earlier, there are masks available in different sizes these days. Use a mask that fits perfectly on your child’s face, and be careful not to use oversized masks or ones that may cause difficulty in breathing.

许多国家已经收取罚款those who are spotted in public not wearing a mask. A large percent of the world’s population now wears masks before stepping out of their homes. Unfortunately, there are many who are still skeptical about this preventive measure. There are also others who use it incorrectly, without covering their nose and mouth properly. There could be many reasons why one would refuse to wear a mask. In many places, people are still not aware of the severity of the disease, and some, on the other hand, are in denial. In some countries, leaders have still not risen up to the occasion, or are refusing to acknowledge the reality of the pandemic. It is especially disappointing that world leaders to be seen out in public without a mask. This kind of behavior makes it less likely for their followers to do the right thing for all of us.

Situations like these cannot be tackled individually. It requires collective effort and cooperation. While most of us are on board with this idea, some are not too keen to join in. The number of COVID-19 patients is increasing, with no sign of a drop. It may be challenging for us to follow the rules patiently, but remember, all our lives are at stake. Stay home, wash your hands, and wear a mask if you venture out.

How are you coping in the time of Coronavirus? Tell us what you are doing to keep yourself and your loved ones safe these days in the comments below.

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