Is Your Child Chewing On Their Shirt? Here Is Why They Do It

Can you recall your baby’s teething phase when they gnawed on everything they could get their hands on? Unfortunately, infants often engage in this behavior to discover the world around them. While you successfully stopped them from putting everything in their mouth, now that they are toddlers, they have taken to sucking on their own clothing!

The collar, cuffs, or hem of a garment can become a favorite teething toy for older children. They can wear down the material by sucking or chewing on it. Your friends and instructors may have criticized this conduct, and you fear that it indicates poor psychological health or developmental issues. Let us take a deeper look at your child’s habit of chewing their clothing and how you may assist them in overcoming the practice.

What Is The Reason For Children Chewing On Their Clothes?

What Is The Reason For Children Chewing On Their Clothes

Image: Shutterstock

Your child’s growth is greatly aided by oral stimulation(1). Using our mouths as a means of self-regulation or relaxation is as old as the human race. A child’s basic hunger and thirst are met via a rooting reflex from infancy through toddlerhood. Sucking on a pacifier or thumb sucking is a common self-soothing technique for children(2).

Some toddlers may continue to play with their lips and jaws after two. It can be comforting to them since they look for self-directed and predictable ways to relax. Because it’s so close at hand, a toddler may self-soothe by chewing on their shirt .

Is Shirt Chewing A Concern?

Is Shirt Chewing A Concern

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Just because it’s a normal and deep-seated habit does not mean that it must be disregarded as your child grows up. It’s common for children to cease putting items in their mouths and experimenting with them this way by the time they’re three(3). As a parent, you may wonder if your child’s habit of chewing on their shirts is actually a harmless form of self-expression.

However, shirt-chewing can have a detrimental effect on a child’s well-being. Sucking or chewing can harm your child’s ability to do everyday tasks or pose a risk to their health. If your toddler is choking on their own chewing, you should step in and stop them.

Talk To Your Child

If you’re concerned about your child’s proclivity for sucking and chewing on their clothes, you should speak with them. Take care to approach this situation from a non-judgmental standpoint. Determine whether your child is aware of it or if there are any patterns in the way they chew.

A simple question to ask your child is whether or not it’s OK for them to chew on their shirt in front of their peers. You may also ask your child’s teachers or caretakers if they have seen any patterns or if any taunting is taking place. You’ll be able to see if the conduct affects your child’s social life.

Here’s How To Stop Your Child From Chewing On Their Shirt

你的孩子咀嚼的习惯或咬寡糖r clothing may not be a huge concern. But if the habit is disturbing or affecting their everyday lives, there are techniques to assist parents in stopping the habit.

Recognize The Causes

Recognize The Causes

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Your child’s chewing may have a distinct pattern to it. Are they more likely to do it while they’re hungry? Also notice whether they’re working on homework or a puzzle. Is it just before a playdate or a recess that kids start to worry about meeting new people and subconsciously begin to chew on their clothing?

As a parent, you may be able to stop your child from chewing on things if you know what causes it. For example, if your kids chew on things when they’re hungry, keep healthy snacks on hand to help curb their bad habit.

Provide A Range Of Options For Them

If your toddler is chewing on their shirt, it’s a sign that they need oral stimulation. Children can safely nibble on chewable necklaces in the shape of candy beads. Keeping a child’s hands busy can help reduce shirt-chewing. Try giving your child a little paintbrush or a fidget toy, so they don’t put their shirts in their mouth by accident.

Be Sure To Seek The Advice Of An Expert

Be Sure To Seek The Advice Of An Expert

Image: Shutterstock

If you’re concerned about your child gnawing on his shirt, consult with a physician who understands developmental issues. They are quite knowledgeable about children’s growth and will touch on all the basics. They’ll be keeping an eye out for your child’s focus, attention, social skills, family background, developmental or linguistic problems, and anxiety.

Beyond the toddler years, it’s fairly unusual for children to go through phases where they suck or chew on their clothing. There are numerous instances where a youngster seeks sensory input or comfort because they are feeling a bit anxious. Most of the time, it’s just a short-lived habit that doesn’t do any lasting harm. So, do you know anyone struggling with this problem? Let us know in the comments section.

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