不规则的月经周期推迟怀孕吗?Try This


Sara had irregular menstrual cycles since her 20s. When her mother took her to a gynecologist, she advised them to wait instead of using any hormonal supplements. Also, Sara and her mother were told that the irregularity would get corrected once Sara gives birth to a child.

Sara and Sam were married for two years. They were a beautiful couple complementing each other. But somewhere inside, Sara was worried about her pregnancy due to her irregular periods. True to her fears, when the couple was ready for a child, Sara was unable to conceive.

Irregular periods happen due to hormonal imbalances in the body. The modern lifestyles, the food we eat, our irregular schedules and the stress at home and workplace all have an effect on our body, and in women, it manifests in the form of irregular periods and other gynecological problems.

Why it is difficult to conceive if you have irregular periods

If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, you might find it difficult to get pregnant because you cannot identify your fertile days. You do not know when you are likely to ovulate. This information is necessary for you to mate with your partner on the most fertile days of the month to become pregnant.

The fertile window lasts for six days in a cycle – five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. This is the only time during your menstrual month when you can become pregnant. If you have a regular cycle, of say 28 days, ovulation happens on the 14th day and the fertile days will be five days before the 14th day, with the 12th, 13th and the 14th days being the most fertile days(1).

If your cycle is longer, say 35 days, the ovulation day will be the 21st day. Similarly, if the cycle is as short as 21 days, ovulation will be on the seventh day.

These calculations can only be made if you know the duration of your cycle, and this is not possible in an irregular menstrual cycle. So, how would you know about your fertile window in such cases?

Here’s the answer

HIMAMA is the answer. The small device comes with a fertility monitor that can be linked to a free app on your mobile. It is easy and safe to use.

The medical device comes with a fertility monitor and a fertility calendar app:

Fertility monitor:The monitor captures your sleep patterns and real core body temperature to give an accurate and reliable basal body temperature (BBT) data. During ovulation, your BBT increases slightly, and this stable rise in temperature is captured by the monitor in real-time to inform you about your fertile days.

Fertility calendar app:The HIMAMA app works in sync with the fertility monitor to generate a personalized fertility calendar for you. The app provides quick, simple, and comfortable fertility planning that helps you know the right day for conception.

How to use HIMAMA?

First, make sure to charge the device because most users forget to do so. The charging probes should be in direct contact with the charging plates of the monitor. The charging cable should be well connected to the blue box in one side and to the USB phone charge on the other.

  1. Place the fertility monitor in the hitop’s (a lace piece to place your device) placeholder.
  1. 穿hitop睡前和确保星期一itor is in contact with your skin close to your left underarm. It measures your basal temperature, heart rate, sleep cycle, and breathing rate.
  1. Synchronize the data from your fertility monitor with the app after you wake up in the morning.

How Does HIMAMA work?

After syncing your sleep, heartbeat, breathing, and BBT from the fertility monitor to the app, you get to know your fertile days and ovulation time that is optimal for conception. The device calculates the due date of your menstrual period, even if your cycle is irregular. In addition to creating a fertility calendar for you to plan your pregnancy, it lets you know the quality of your sleep cycle.

The device is not only easy and safe to use, but also accurate, as it promises 99% accuracy.

HIMAMA has been developed for those aspiring moms who are having difficulty in getting pregnant. It helps you understand your body and menstrual cycle and also have an insight into your health if something is not working right.

Don’t lose hope if you have failed to conceive, try the HIMAMA product that will show the way for your pregnancy.

You can buy HIMAMAhere.

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