3 Innovative Ways To Improve Your Parenting Skills

No matter what parenting style you subscribe to, raising your little ones is quite the task. From choosing the right kind of diaper to teaching them core values, parents have a lot of influence over how their children turn out to be in the future. Bringing children up to be independent and kind adults is easier said than done. After all, they may face challenges that you and I never had to. And so, our approaches to parenting them must change as well. Parenting in a way that caters to your kid’s needs while still establishing healthy boundaries is one way to ensure that they are well-adjusted and successful human beings. But how do we accomplish this? Well, you can increase the positive interactions you have with your child, decrease unhelpful habits and support yourself while becoming a better parent. Read on to know how you can bring this about in your everyday life.

Increasing Positive Interactions

Increasing Positive Interactions

Image: Shutterstock

1. Make Sure To Spend Quality Time With Each Child

It is no secret that the foundation of all good parenting is in establishing a healthy relationship with your children. Every single one of them. This means that it is crucial to take the time to sit down and have a one-on-one conversation with them in order to stay in the know about what’s happening in their lives. Finding ways to relate to your children is equally as important. You want them to feel like they can come to you with anything and that starts with an open line of communication.

Show them that you care and want to understand them. You can do this by devoting at least half an hour of quality time with each child once a week. Doing a fun activity together will be a great opportunity to bring y’all closer. Go on a hike or cycling. Cheer on your kids at their games or recitals. Do things that the both of you find enjoyable. Remember, quality time is bonding time so avoid criticizing them or teaching them lessons while you hang out. After all, kids learn better through observation anyway. Instead, take the time to get to know your kid and listen to them. Validating your child is the best thing you can do for them.

2. Set Simple, Empathetic Limits

We cannot dispute the importance of structure in a child’s life. They need parents to set healthy boundaries and limits in order to know right from wrong. This too is an essential part of good parenting. You can practice this by setting healthy boundaries with your child from a young age. Keep in mind that limit setting is not the same as punishment. It’s much better for them as you can use empathy to establish limits while still showing them that you are on their side. For example, you might set a limit stating that your child cannot play their drums past 9 at night. Instead of simply forbidding them and yelling at them when they don’t follow through, empathize with them while still keeping the boundary in place. Tell them that they might disturb the neighbors and that it is important that they rest in order to be able to play well the next day. By doing this you empathize with your child’s wishes but still establish limits by explaining why they exist.

Decrease Unhelpful Habits

Decrease Unhelpful Habits

Image: Shutterstock

1. Learn How To Handle Parenting Conflicts

Here’s the thing, you and your angel are going to fight. Infact, there will be times when you wonder how they turned into little demons with horns. But that’s a part and parcel of life. It’s how you handle the falling outs that really matter. Discuss your disagreements in healthy ways. If you think you’re about to lose it, step away and try again when you cool off. The same goes for your kids. If they are off the handle, ask them to pick out a soothing activity to do or to go to their room until you can discuss it without any emotional outbursts. This will save you both time and energy.

2. Quit The Nagging And Praise Positive Behaviors Instead

With children, whatever you give attention to increases. This doesn’t mean you ignore negative or unpleasant behaviors but focus instead on praising the positive ones. All children, no matter what they say, want the approval of their parents. So a little compliment goes a long way. Encouraging a certain behavior will give them the incentive to replicate it in the future. This is a far better strategy than nagging them about everything they are getting wrong, which will only frustrate them more.

Helping Yourself Be A Better Parent

Helping Yourself Be A Better Parent

Image: Shutterstock

1. Disagree In Private

One way to help yourself and your partner be better parents is to disagree about things in private. If you and your partner have major differences on a specific topic, discuss it behind closed doors and keep at it until you find a compromise. You can do this based on who feels strongly about what. If your partner is adamant about your child following a plant-based diet, let them try it out for a while and see if your child takes to it. If you are more religious than them and would like to introduce your child to your religion, you have the right to do so.

2. Build A Strong Support System

Our parents weren’t kidding when they said it takes a village to raise a child. And now that we’re parents, we totally believe them. So don’t forget to ask for help. Your friends and family are here to help.

Being a parent can be tricky at times. Remember that it takes time to put these tips into practice. Be patient with your child and yourself. Happy parenting!

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