How To Be More Attractive Than You Are: 8 Sure Shot Ways

吸引力是一个谜…你会认为。When it comes to attracting the opposite sex you probably believe there’s not much you can do, it’s all fate after all, right? Well, not exactly. There are small changes one could make if they are inclined to (and possess the time of course). They could notably influence how attractive people perceive you to be!

The following eight things can totally score you some more points on the attractive scale:

1. Making eye contact

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They say eyes are the windows to our soul… When you meet someone for the very first time, try to discern his or her eye color. This will cause you stare intently into their eyes just a tad more than you would normally do. This additional contact will make you more appealing to the subject of your gaze.

2. Avoid small talk

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Psychologically people who avoid constant, mundane small talk and instead converse on deeper, more philosophical topics are considered to be more fascinating and interesting. People who can talk about their dreams, beliefs, passions and life goals are perceived to be more attractive than those who stick to the weather or trivial, shallow subjects.

3. Using hand gestures

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The most charismatic influencers, leaders and orators all share one common trait: knowing how to speak with their hands. In fact, according to a 2009 study conducted by researchers from the University of Manchester, hand gestures were found to increase the value of what you had to say by 60%![1]

So utilize hand gestures to appear confident and dynamic, thereby upping your attractiveness.

4. Good personal hygiene

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Bad hygiene is always a deal breaker. No matter how very alluring you may appear to be, if you possess a bad hygiene regime, you will instantly turn off even the most arduous of suitors. Don’t underestimate the value of a good shower, brushing of teeth, waxing and use of deodorant.

5. Smiling

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There is an old saying that a smile is the only jewel a woman needs, and this can’t be truer in terms of attraction. In countless studies, people who appear to be smiling appear more lovely and arresting than those who aren’t flashing their pearly whites.

6. Have a good dressing sense

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People generally don’t have much control over their physical appearance. However, you always have the choice on how to dress yourself; and girl, those makeover movies don’t lie. Dressing up in clothes that actually flatter your coloring and shape can make a world of difference as to how you’re perceived. In fact, even if you aren’t the most gorgeous of women, being glamorous will make you more attractive.

7. Smelling wonderful

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Odors have an impact upon being deemed. Researchers have discovered that a female’s face appears more attractive to men if she happens to smell pleasant[2].We are all aware that scents are associated with memory, but apparently fragrance also has an impact on your perceived beauty. Now you have an excuse to finally buy that expensive perfume.

8. Playing hard to get

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Probably the oldest and most successful trick when it comes to being wooed. We always value the things that didn’t come easy in life, and this also happens to reflect in dating customs. The more a man tries to figure out whether you like him, the more time he spends thinking, wondering and dreaming about you. And when somebody devotes much thought into one person, they usually conclude it’s because they like them.

Attraction doesn’t appear to be that much of a mystery now, does it? Go ahead and make these small lifestyle changes and watch as you transform into the belle of every ball!

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