How Often You Should Change A Baby’s Diaper

每个父母的数据如何改变尿布,no matter the type or style. And after having to change so many, you could probably do it in your sleep. But have you ever wondered how often you need to change your baby’s diaper? It’s hard to tell as every baby is different. But you also don’t want to underuse the diapers or wait for an explosion to occur. If you’re a first time parent wondering how many times you need to go through the rather stinky and laborious process of changing your baby’s diapers, then this article is for you. Read on to know more!

Why Is It Important To Change Your Baby’s Diapers Regularly?

It is imperative that you change your baby’s diapers regularly for the sake of their hygiene and health. Not changing a diaper regularly can lead to unpleasant consequences such as diaper rash, skin chafing, and infections, apart from the smell and leakage. All scenarios you want to avoid. Keep in mind that the skin of a baby is very sensitive, especially to various irritants so you must change their diaper often.

Understand The Differences That Come With Using A Disposable Diaper And A Reusable One

All diapers need to be changed in due time but if you are using reusable diapers, keep in mind that you might be changing your baby’s diaper more regularly. This is also why reusable diapers are great while trying to potty train your child. Your child will notice the wetness sooner and this will make them uncomfortable. So get ready to change a lot of diapers in the early days. Although it’s not all bad. Modern cloth diapers come in designed shapes and waterproof material that helps avoid leakage. They also have convenient fasteners to help simplify the changing process.

If you opt for using a disposable diaper, there are different kinds in today’s market. Some diapers are super absorbent and don’t need to be switched out as often as others. So make note of the kind of material used and then deliberate how often you’ll need to change your baby’s diaper.

How Often Should You Change Your Baby’s Diaper?

Change Your Baby’s Diaper

Image: IStock

Once you’ve taken into account the different types of diapers you can use and their advantages, it’s finally time to answer the question of how often you will be changing them. Now, it may take you some time to figure this out as it often depends on what amounts your baby goes to the toilet. After all, how often you need to change a diaper will directly depend on this. And this changes as they grow. But it may not be as obvious as you think. For example, newborn babies may need their diapers changed more often as they are more active in asking for food. This means that they also go to the toilet more often. Make sure to change their diapers at least every 2-3 hours, and diapers with feces should be changed right away. This is also why you should be careful using scented diapers. They do too good a job of masking the smell which will only make it harder for you to recognise when you need to change your baby’s diaper. On average, a newborn may need about 12 diapers a day. But as the baby grows, this number will gradually decrease.

Should You Change Your Baby’s Diaper At Night?

Your Baby’s Diaper At Night

Image: IStock

It is necessary, especially in the first couple of months to change your baby’s diaper when they are sleepy at night. Failure to do so would mean that your baby’s skin is in contact with urine for a long period of time which could cause irritation and skin rashes. It is important to change their diapers repeatedly as prolonged exposure to urine can change the pH of your baby’s skin and some bacteria and fungus thrive in an alkaline environment. It is important to keep in mind that urine can also lead to chafing which can cause your baby a lot of discomfort. However, if you are feeding your baby on a two-three hour schedule, you can quickly change your baby’s diaper after a feed without waking them, to minimize diaper rash. The only case in which this wouldn’t apply is if your little one has a blow out, where you will have to change the diaper immediately, even if it’s 1:45 am. This is mainly because feces contain a high level of bacteria that can cause rashes and infections. Not to mention that your baby will be extremely uncomfortable sleeping in a full diaper.

Taking care of a baby isn’t for the faint of heart. Sometimes even something as simple as changing diapers can turn into a dilemma. But we’re sure you’ll eventually get good at gauging when your little one’s diaper needs changing. Until then, happy parenting!

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