5 Essentials To Make Life With A Newborn Easy

Newborns may be precious, cute and squishy but they are also a whole lot of work. It’s true that being a parent is the toughest job in the world and the first few weeks and months can be frustrating and overwhelming. After all, learning on the job isn’t for everyone. But there are ways to avoid this rocky start, or at least make life easier by having a few necessary items brought in before you bring the baby home. But with so many new products on the market it can be hard to decipher what costs a pretty dime for doing nothing at all, and the things that you are really going to need and count on. But that’s where we come in! We’re here to help you pick out the few essentials that you’ll really need in order to survive the long newborn baby days. Read on to know what they are.

1. Clothing And Swaddles

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Buying baby clothes can go south very quickly. After all, everything is just so tiny and cute. The little sailor man outfit, the cute suit and the beautiful dresses; how can you refuse? As hard as it is to walk away from all the new accessories and clothes, what your baby needs for the first few months isn’t a leather jacket, it’s plain comfortable clothes in soft breathable fabrics. The kind of clothes that can withstand frequent washing is best as spit up and other accidents will have you doing loads of laundry. And of course, you can pick up a few swaddle clothes as well. Maybe one for you and your partner. Make sure not to invest too much into clothes though. After all, babies grow at a rapid pace for the first few months. So if you’ve got the option of saving some coins by putting your baby into their siblings hand-me-downs or a friend’s baby clothes, take it!

2. Diapers And Diaper Rash Cream

Diapers are obviously a must and should be at the top of your baby shopping list. It’s also a good idea to stock up on frequently used items like diapers as your newborn will go through them rather quickly. And we’re sure that the last thing you’d want to do is leave the house when you’ve got a little one to take care of. That being said, with diapers come diaper rashes. No matter how careful you are and how many changes you do, every baby gets a diaper rash now and again. Which is why having a tube of diaper rash cream is a must in every household with a newborn. This will ease the irritated skin and give your baby some much needed relief.

3. Gripe Water

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Keeping some medicine at home is also a good move when you have a little one coming home. Babies are susceptible to many problems like colds, colic, problems with indigestion and gas. And gripe water does a good job of dealing with all of these issues. Not only is it a safe, tried and tested medicine that helps soothe colic babies but it also instantly relieves pain that comes with indigestion, gas or acidity (1)。所以,你可以看到为什么这是一个必须保持handy in your cabinet. But as always, make sure to check with your doctor before giving your baby any medicine at home.

4. Mosquito Net

Here’s one thing you probably didn’t think about while you debated buying a crib or bassinet. But insects and mosquitos are unfortunately everywhere and babies make perfect targets for them. You need to safeguard your baby against them as mosquito bites can be dangerous and cause infection or skin rashes that last a long time. And since mosquito repellents are usually too harsh to be used on your baby’s skin, your best bet is to buy a mosquito net to keep these pests at bay.

5. Burp Clothes

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Welcome to the world of spit up and vomit. You’re going to need a lot of random pieces of cloth to save the day and your outfit if you don’t plan on changing every half an hour. This is why buying a lot of burp cloth is a must. It’s the perfect size to wipe your little one’s mouth and shield your clothes while you attempt to burp them.

Figuring out what the real necessities to survive the newborn baby days doesn’t have to be hard. Nor does it have to be an extensive list of expensive items. All you really need are these basic items, love and energy to get through this magical period with your little one.

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