Edema (Swelling Of The Ankles And Feet) During Pregnancy


You’re pregnant, and you have a growing belly. Incidentally, it seems like your belly is not the only thing that is swelling at a rapid pace. A lot of pregnant women complain of swelling around their feet and ankles. In addition to this, pregnant women experience swelling pretty much all over the body. On average, the water content in your body will increase by six to eight liters during pregnancy — the leading cause of all that swelling (1).

If you’ve been finding it hard to fit into your favorite pair of heels and your socks don’t feel comfortable anymore, then read on. We’re about to tell you what’s going on and how you can treat this condition.

What Causes All That Swelling?

Edema (Swelling Of The Ankles And Feet) During Pregnancy

Image: Shutterstock

The culprit behind all that swelling has a name, and it’s called edema. Edema is a medical condition that is essentially caused when there is an excess of body fluids. These body fluids are necessary for the development of your unborn child, as well as your changing body. As the body keeps producing fluids, it slowly begins to accumulate in the tissues. This accumulation of body fluids in your tissues is what causes the swelling (2).

The accumulation of body fluids in the tissues takes place around your ankles and feet in most cases. Although swelling is most visible around ankles and feet, it can also take place in your hands. Have you ever fiddled with your ring, only to realize that suddenly, it has become tighter? The chances are that you have edema on your fingers and hands.

How To Treat Swelling Of Ankles And Feet

Edema is a prevalent condition that accompanies pregnancy. With your hormones raging, your body is bound to undergo several changes. You can try a few of these things to help with the swelling around your feet and ankles:

1. Drink Plenty Of Water

Edema (Swelling Of The Ankles And Feet) During Pregnancy

Image: Shutterstock

We did mention that the swelling in your body is caused due to the accumulation of body fluids, so the idea of drinking more water might seem confusing. However, when you replenish your body with water, you essentially flush out all the excess sodium and toxins accumulated in your body (3).

2. Limit Your Salt Intake

Edema (Swelling Of The Ankles And Feet) During Pregnancy

Image: Shutterstock

体内多余的盐可以作为catalys工作t to accumulate water. Salt is necessary and must be incorporated into your diet. However, do not go overboard with your salt intake (4).

3. Switch To Comfortable Shoes

Edema (Swelling Of The Ankles And Feet) During Pregnancy

Image: Shutterstock

Now isn’t the best time to wear heels. Make the switch to comfortable shoes instead. If you’re stepping out often, get a pair of shoes that have good padding and support. At home, get yourself a pair of comfortable slip-ons.

4. Exercise Often

Edema (Swelling Of The Ankles And Feet) During Pregnancy

Image: Shutterstock

Pregnancy might make you want to curl up into a ball on your couch, but that’s not going to help your case. Incorporate a good pregnancy workout into your daily routine. This gets the blood moving, which in turn can ease out the swelling a bit. Try your hand at walking or yoga. Talk to your doctor about what exercises will be best (5).

5. Keep Your Feet Elevated

Edema (Swelling Of The Ankles And Feet) During Pregnancy

Image: Shutterstock

All your life, your feet have been carrying your weight. Now, it has to carry the weight of your growing child as well. Whenever you find the time, keep your feet elevated. This can help reduce the swelling. Additionally, avoid putting a lot of pressure on your feet with excessive standing and walking around (6).

6. Ditch The Stockings

Edema (Swelling Of The Ankles And Feet) During Pregnancy

Image: Shutterstock

It’s best to let go of tight socks and hosiery. The fluids and blood in your body have to flow freely, and wearing anything too fitting can inhibit this. Choose to wear warm woolen socks that are loose and comfortable instead (7).

7. Warm Water For The Win

Edema (Swelling Of The Ankles And Feet) During Pregnancy

Image: Shutterstock

Soak your feet in warm water if the swelling gets too much. Go ahead and have a nice warm bath to relax your entire body. You can add some Epsom salt to this as well. It helps alleviate pain (8).

Edema is a common condition that most pregnant women face. It is normal to experience this, especially during the second trimester of your pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about this to rule out any other underlying conditions. Have you experienced excessive swelling on your feet and ankles? Tell us what you did to treat this condition in the comment below!

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