4 Best Pieces Of Advice For New Parents

Congratulations on your sweet little bundle of joy. Welcoming a new member to the family can be such a surreal magical time, especially when it’s your first baby. We’re sure that you already know that everything is going to change, now that there’s three of you. But most parents have no idea to what extent their life is going to be unheeded. Coming home with a newborn is like bringing home a tiny tornado that needs you for everything. And I’m sure you’re asking yourself how they have so many dirty diapers, why they take forever to go to sleep and wake up the second you put them down, or what you’re supposed to do if they won’t stop crying. Being a new parent comes with a lot of new challenges and learning experiences. After all, you’ve never done this before and no amount of books can fully prepare you for the real deal. So, it’s time to cut yourself some slack and go through our simple list if you have any concerns. Here are the best pieces of advice for parents with a new kid on the block!

1. Post Birth Hormones Can Take A Toll On You Too

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If you’re a new momma and you think you’re going insane because of how protective you are of your baby, or because you spontaneously burst into tears every time they stare at you for longer than 5 seconds, then you are not alone. If you thought pregnancy hormones were hard to get a hold of, post delivery hormones can be just as intense and erratic. But it’s important to keep in mind that this is normal. It can also be because you’re exhausted from the pregnancy and birth, and all the responsibilities that come with motherhood. Breastfeeding your baby can also impact your hormone levels. So, be kind to yourself. Clearly your body is going through a lot so take the time to rest and cry it out if you need to.

2. You Will Sleep Eventually

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Every new parent has a newfound respect for sleep once they have a newborn that keeps them up all night long. Remember, naps are your best friend during the first few months of your baby’s chaotic sleep schedule. But eventually, they will start to sleep through the night and so will you. There will be hiccups along the way. And the days may seem endless right now, but as they grow your baby will stop waking up so frequently and the war to keep your eyelids open can come to an end. So, just hang in there and enjoy the ride. This part lasts for a very short time, and although you’re exhausted, nights are a great time to snuggle your baby and build a close bond with them. Don’t pass up on that opportunity.

3. Work With Your Baby

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We’re sure by now you’ve devoured every parenting book and listened to a million family members give you unsolicited advice on how to best take care of your baby. But the truth is that every baby is different and therefore has different needs. You are your baby’s parents and the people who spend all day and night with them. So, you will know best how to cater to their needs. The best thing you can do to make your life easier is to work with your baby and not against them. Feed them on demand instead of some random schedule you found in a guide book. Don’t force them to sleep when they’d rather stare at the ceiling. Your baby will reach certain milestones like crawling or standing in their own time. So, encourage them and let them take the lead.

4. Ditch The Books

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Yes, knowledge is power, but if your baby books are making you anxious and worried, you can do without them. It’s important to stay informed and in the loop about what you might potentially face during your pregnancy and delivery. But this information is supposed to soothe you and help you stay open minded for any possible situation. However, reading books that make you stress about something that has not and may not even happen will not do you any favors. Instead, find books that will encourage and empower you through your pregnancy. Yes, it can all be a little daunting, but isn’t everything worthwhile in life a little scary? Don’t allow yourself to be discouraged by a random piece of information that may not even apply to you.

Becoming a parent is a huge leap but it’s all worth it once you have your little miracle in your hands. Try to make the most of this magical time and take the challenges and hurdles as they come. The most important thing is to be patient with yourself and stay healthy for you and your baby,

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