5 Baby Care Tips From Our Grandmas That We Should Forget About

Whether it’s an important life decision or a random thought, your grandmother is that one person everyone goes to for advice, guidance and reassurance. This is no different when it comes to your baby. Even after you’ve become a mother, you can’t help but rely on your grandma for some tips on how to deal with your baby. But did you know that some of them may be making things worse for you and your baby? Although they may be well meaning, a mother doesn’t always know best. There are some old care tips that are not golden and you’d do better without. Want to know what they are? Read on to know them all.

1. Without Swaddling Your Baby, They Can Be Pigeon-toed

Without Swaddling Your Baby, They Can Be Pigeon-toed

Image: IStock

Swaddling is a very common practice amongst parents of newborns, especially in the past. This is because they believed that a well swaddled baby wouldn’t be pigeon-toed. But did you know that swaddling your baby unnecessarily can actually be bad for your baby? Pediatricians insist that it can cause hip dysplasia (1). However, mothers who have babies with neurological disorders or who are severely colic may swaddle their baby in order to calm them down (2). But if your baby falls asleep without having to be wrapped up, there is no need for them to become a baby burrito every time they go down for a nap.

2. Keep The House As Warm As Possible

Keep The House As Warm As Possible

Image: IStock

You might’ve heard your mom or grandma crank up the heater when they come over or ask you to switch off the fan if your baby is in the room. This is because they truly believed that a home in which a baby lived should be kept toasty warm. Probably because they thought it would kill off germs and keep the baby healthy. But this couldn’t be furthest from the truth. In actuality, overheating is as dangerous as hypothermia. It’s recommended to keep the temperature in a baby’s room as close to 64ºF (18°C) as you can. Experts claim that this temperature also contributes to good sleep for the baby.

3. To Calm Your Baby, Dip Their Pacifier Into Something Sweet

To Calm Your Baby, Dip Their Pacifier Into Something Sweet

Image: IStock

Many grannies recommend dipping the pacifier into honey or peanut butter in order to calm the baby when it’s crying or restless. But pediatrics are against these methods and for good reason. Sweet products can be quite allergic and you never know how the body of your infant is going to react to these substances out of the blue. Additionally, if a baby’s teeth have already started to cut, sugary things could give them cavities and honey can even cause botulism (3). Clearly nothing good has ever come out of eating too much sweet stuff, no matter how old we are! Don’t forget to check with your doctor and pediatrician before you give your baby a pacifier or allow them to try anything sweet and sugary for the first time.

4. Your Baby Absolutely Needs a Blanket And Pillow

Your Baby Absolutely Needs a Blanket And Pillow

Image: IStock

Many mothers in the past have made replicas of their own beds for their infant, which includes a pillow and a blanket. And although they may swear by it, pediatricians have reminded us time and time again that your baby does not need either of these things. There shouldn’t be any pillows, blankets or toys in your baby’s crib as it can cause asphyxia (4). If the room is a little cold, you can always put your baby in a pair of full-length, warm pajamas but don’t cover them up with a blanket. So as cuddly and cozy as your baby would look all wrapped up, toss the blankets and pillows aside for now.

5. Feeding Your Baby Based On A Schedule

Feeding Your Baby Based On A Schedule

Image: IStock

We admit that it can be both exhausting and taxing on new mothers to constantly breastfeed their babies every time they are hungry, but that’s just the way it is. In the earlier days, women waited around two to three hours between each feeding and put their babies on some sort of feeding schedule instead of catering to their hunger needs. You might find your mother telling you to wait for a bit while your baby is crying, but that’s because they think it’s better for you and your baby. But, make sure to feed your baby on demand. There are other ways you can make this easier for you. You could bottle feed your baby instead of exclusively breastfeeding. This way someone else can take over the feeding session while you get some much needed rest.

Taking care of your little one is never an easy task. But beware of the pitfalls that you can fall into just because you listened to granny. Happy parenting!

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