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Origin, Meaning, And History Of Edith

A feminine given name, Edith is the French form of this popular name. The name derives its roots from the Old English word ēad, meaning ‘riches,’ ‘blessed,’ or ‘prosperous in war.’ The name also has influences from English, German, many Scandinavian languages, and Dutch.

The name Edith was popular prior to the 16th century, after which it had a falling out. The name garnered renewed interest at the beginning of the 19th century but became far less popular by the late 20th century. The name is seeing a revival among parents in Stockholm and London and is beginning to gain traction among American parents with a taste for old-fashioned names, with an added touch of a soft but strong image.

The name balances success and struggle without reservation and has many variations, such as Ditte, Dita, and Edie. In addition to these sweet versions of the name, there are also a few nicknames to explore, such as Edie, Edye, Edee, Idy, Edi, and Edy.

The name has also found its way into many fictional realms and stories and movies of famous authors or writers. Louis May Alcott choseEdithas the name for the heroine of her first novel, The Inheritance, which she wrote when she was seventeen years old. The name Edith has also witnessed a resurgence in modern popular culture.Lady Edith Crawleyis one of the most interesting characters on the hit TV series Downton Abbey and is a classic middle child with a competitive personality. And the list of the famous fictional Edith characters will be incomplete without mentioningEdith Gru,a memorable character from the Despicable Me movie series. She is the adopted middle child of Mr. and Mrs. Gru, with a personality that stands out from the rest of her siblings.


heart image
Prosperous in war
Old English
1 word, 5 letters, 2 vowels, 3 consonants
Short and easy to pronounce

How To Pronounce Edith?

Pronounced asee-dith

The way you pronounce a name can make all the difference.

Listen to the sound of the name Edith in English.

Famous People With The Name Edith

  • Edith Kermit RooseveltFirst Lady of America and the second wife of Theodore Roosevelt, former President of the United States
  • Edith WilsonFirst Lady of America and the second wife of Woodrow Wilson, former President of the United States
  • Édith PiafA French singer, lyricist, and actress who was France’s national chanteuse and one of the country’s most widely known international stars
  • Edith WhartonAn American writer and designer who, in 1921, became the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction for her novel The Age of Innocence
  • Edith NesbitAn English writer and poet who published her books for children and wrote or collaborated on more than 60 such books


The name Edith was widely popular before the 16th century and garnered interest post the 19th century. Take a look at the following graphs to gather a better understanding of the popularity of the feminine name Edith.

Popularity Over Time

The name Edith continues to be a top contender in the popularity chart. It rose to a high of 655 and 649 babies per million in 2017 and 2020, respectively. Check out the graph to learn more.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

这个名字是443年最好的排名今年1995 followed by a low of 839 in 2009 and again soaring high at a rank of 473 in 2020. The graph below follows the change in its rank over the years.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Edith

Do you like the old-fashioned, yet classy name Edith? Here are a few more names that are equally classy.

Popular Sibling Names For Edith

If you are looking for some matching sibling names that resonate with Edith, check our suggestions here.

Boy Sibling Names For Edith

Find matching brother names for Edith and create a wonderful team of siblings.

Aadithyaheart image Adhithanheart image Adithheart image Adithanheart image Adithyaheart image Adithyakaushikheart image Adwithiyaheart image Aedithheart image Ateethheart image Atithheart image

Girl Sibling Names For Edith

Looking for some suitable sister names for Edith? Check out our collection of beautiful and unique names.

Adithaheart image Adithiheart image Aedithaheart image Eadithheart image Edhithaheart image Edithaheart image Editheheart image Edythheart image Edythaheart image Edytheheart image

Other Popular Names Beginning With E

Looking for more baby names starting with the letter E to resonate with your family’s naming tradition or to rhyme with the sibling names? Find a range of alternative names starting with this letter.

Names With Similar Meaning As Edith

Do you like the meaning behind the name Edith? Here are a few more names that share a similar meaning to the feminine name Edith.

Infographic: Know The Name Edith‘s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name Edith In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Edith

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Edith?

The name Edith means ‘prosperous in war.’

2. What is the origin of the name Edith?

Edith has French and Old English origins.

3. How to pronounce the name Edith?

Edith is pronounced as ee-dith.

4. Is Edith a rare name?

According to the SSA data, 603 babies out of a million born in the US were named Edith in 2022. This represents 0.034% of total female births in 2022, which means Edith is an uncommon name in the US (1).

5. Is Edith a gender-neutral name?

Right from the start, Edith has been considered a feminine name. But names go through transitions. For instance, the names that were once specifically feminine have been used as unisex choices. So, you may use Edith as a masculine name but remember it’s not a common usage yet, so it is likely to confuse.

6. What are some middle names that go well with Edith?

Edith means ‘blessed,’ so you can choose a name that will make a meaningful combination with it. When paired with the French nameCorinne, meaning ‘beautiful maiden,’ the name combination becomes ‘blessed beautiful maiden.’ The French name Huguette, meaning ‘spirit,’ also complements Edith. The Latin nameMonique, meaning ‘unique,’ andSophia, meaning ‘wisdom,’ can also make good middle names for Edith.

7. Is Edith a traditional name or a modern invention?

The name Edith has been in use for centuries. It is a traditional name still considered a potential first name for girls.


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  1. Popularity of name Edith.
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