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Origin, Meaning, And History Of Corrin

Corrin is a girl’s name that is a variation of the name Corinne. Corrin, in turn, is the French variant of Corinna derived from the Greek name Korinna meaning ‘maiden.’ Moreover, it could also be derived from the Gaelic surname Corrin. The surname is a contraction of MacCorran or McCorryn, which means ‘son of Thórfinnr.’

It is also used as a contraction of Mac Odhráin or Mac GilleOdrain which are patronymic names meaning ‘son of Odhran.’ Odhrán means ‘pale-faced’ or ‘the little pale-faced one.’ Corrin may also be the anglicized form of Max Corraidhin, which means ‘little spear.’

The surname was recorded in early times, as early as 1290, first as Maktory, MacThoryngt, and then as MacCorrane or MacCorryn. By the end of the 15th century, it had been reduced to Corrane and became Corrin in the 16th century. Even today, the anglicized version and the Irish versions of O’Corrain and O’Currain are popular in Ireland.

The variants of Corrin are Corine, Corrine, Coreen, Corinna, Corynn, and Korrine. In other languages, Corrin is spelled in different ways. The French spelling of Corine is followed by the Dutch too. Meanwhile, the Germans spell Corrin as Cora, Corinna, Corina, and Kora. The Greeks prefer Korina, while the Italians prefer the more stylish Corinna. In Romanian and Spanish, the name is spelled Corina.

Though there are not many fictional characters with this name, there is one that video game players may know. Corrin is the protagonist and the avatar character in‘Fire Emblem Fates.’They are the prince/princess of Nohr and must decide which nations to join. Corrin is the name of a planet in the ‘Dune’ universe and the title of the third b book in the Dune trilogy ‘The Battle of Corrin.’

There are many famous personalities with this name, but one who has gained worldwide fame is English actorEmma Corrin. She starred in the hit Netflix series ‘The Crown’ as Princess Diana and went on to win a Golden Globe award for her work.


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How To Pronounce Corrin?


Famous People With The Name Corrin

  • 科林坎贝尔American singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur, known as the only music artist endorsed by a military branch
  • Matthew CorrinCanadian businessman, known as the founder and former CEO of Freshii
  • Penelope Anne CorrinCanadian actress and writer, known for her role in ‘Air Farce Live’

Corrin On The Popularity Chart

Corrin has been around in the US for quite some time. Let us look at the SSA graphs to get a better understanding.

Popularity Over Time

Though the name has been in use, it has not been very popular since the mid-1990s. In 1995, 6 babies per million were named Corrin. Later, this number increased to 10 babies per million in 2009. The numbers went down again, and 8 babies per million were given this name in 2020.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

Corrin’s rank graph is similar to its popularity graph. In 1997, the name ranked its highest at 22,340. Later, its position slipped to 32,443 in 2006. After some ups and downs, its rank stood at 26,314 in 2020.

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Corrin

If you liked the sound of this name, here are some more names with similar sounds.

Names With Similar Meaning As Corrin

If the vintage meaning of the name caught your eye, here are some other names with similar meanings you can consider.

Other Popular Names Beginning With C

Infographic: Know The Name’s Personality As Per Numerology


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In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Corrin

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Corrin?

The name Corrin means maiden.


Corrin has an Irish origin.

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