
In This Article


heart image
Wealth; Ease
Arabic,Middle East
1 word, 5 letters, 2 vowels, 3 consonants
Short and easy to pronounce

How To Pronounce Yasar?

The way you pronounce a name can make all the difference.

Listen to the sound of the name Yasar in Arabic.

Listen to the sound of the name Yasar in English.

Yasar On The Popularity Chart

Popularity Over Time

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Yasar

Popular Sibling Names For Yasar

If you are looking for some matching sibling names that resonate with Yasar, check our suggestions here.

Boy Sibling Names For Yasar

Find matching brother names for Yasar and create a wonderful team of siblings.

Aasirheart image Aasraheart image Aazarheart image Acerheart image Aesirheart image Aiswaraheart image Aiswaranheart image Asarheart image Asaramheart image Aseerheart image

Girl Sibling Names For Yasar

Looking for some suitable sister names for Yasar? Check out our collection of beautiful and unique names.

Asaratheart image Aseerahheart image Asiraheart image Asraheart image Asrahheart image Asriyahheart image Azariheart image Azarnoushheart image Azrahheart image Oaisaraheart image


Looking for more baby names starting with the letter Y to resonate with your family’s naming tradition or to rhyme with the sibling names? Find a range of alternative names starting with this letter.

Anagram Names Of Yasar

William Shakespeare is known for his ‘onomastic wit,’ with anagrams being one of them (remember the play Twelfth Night?). Anagram is the rearrangement of the same letters to form different words. Anagramming names has been in vogue for centuries now, and why not when it can create some cute names? Anagram baby names stand out with their unique sound and spellings. You may try an anagram of your name or your partner’s; even better if you combine both names and then try an anagram for the baby. It all stays in the family this way. You may also try anagram names for siblings, especially twins. Here are some anagrams of Yasar.

Arsyaheart image Aysarheart image Saaryheart image

Popular Songs On The Name Yasar

Yasar’s Zodiac Sign And Birth Star As Per Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology, also called Jyotisha, provides deep insights into a person’s life based on celestial positions at birth. Rashi and nakshatra, which are an integral part of Jyotisha, are believed to influence an individual’s personality and life events. The following sections give you rashi-related information, such as the associated letters, elements, ruling body, quality, and nakshatra for the name Yasar. These details help analyze a person’s characteristics, personality, and behavior.

Zodiac Sign (Rashi)

As shown in the following table, each rashi is associated with specific sounds, which are often used as the starting letters of names for newborns in Hindu families. Each rashi is represented by a figure and one of the five elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether (Space). One ruling celestial body, known as its 'rashi lord' or 'ruler' is assigned to these rashis. These bodies include Venus, Mars, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn. Furthermore, the rashis are assigned various qualities or gunas.

Rashi (zodiac sign) Vruschika (Scorpio)
Starting letters for Vruschika (Scorpio) rashi N, Y
Representation Scorpion
Ruling body Mars
Quality Fixed

Birth Star (Nakshatra)

Another important aspect of Vedic Astrology is the nakshatras, the lunar constellations or star clusters that the Moon occupies during a person's birth. There are 27 nakshatras, each with its own unique qualities, attributes, and symbolism. Each rashi contains two-and-one-fourth nakshatras in it. For example, Aries contains Ashwini, Bharani, and Krithika nakshatras.

The below table provides information on the nakshatras’ degrees on the zodiac circle, their lords and related syllables, for babies born in the Vruschika (Scorpio) rashi. These syllables/phonetics are popularly used to choose the baby name. For precise nakshatra calculation based on your baby's birthplace and date, use ourNakshatra Calculator.

Nakshatra Degrees Of The Nakshatra Nakshatra
Lord (Ruler)
Name Syllables
Visakha (Vishakam) Scorpio (0 to 3.20 degrees) Jupiter Ti, Tee, Too, Te, Tu, Tae, To
Anuradha (Anizham, Anusham) Scorpio (3.20 to 16.40 degrees) Saturn Na, Naa, Ni, Nu, Ne, Nee, Noo, Nae
Jyeshta (Triketta) Scorpio (16.40 to 30 degrees) Mercury No, Ya, Yaa, Yi, Yu

Infographic: Know The Name Yasar‘s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name Yasar In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Yasar

Numerology is an occult system that gives significance to numbers and their influence on human life and destiny. Numerologists attribute specific qualities, energies, and characteristics to a number. Parents who believe in numerology prefer to choose baby names that resonate positively with the child’s unique numerical vibrations, often derived from their date of birth. Here we give a general birth number and personality traits of the name Yasar, based on the Pythagorean (Western) system. This analysis will differ from child to child based on their date of birth. You may use ournumerology calculatorfor more personalized information.

Baby Name Lists Containing Yasar

Movie Titles Inspired By The Name Yasar

Discover the presence of Yasar in an array of films. Know about the various movies that have this name.

Movie title Other titles Release year
Yasar Kemal Efsanesi Yaşar Kemal Efsanesi 2017
Yasar Is Neither Alive Nor Dead Yasar Ne Yasar Ne Yasamaz 1975

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Yasar?

The name Yasar means wealth, and ease.

2. What is the origin of the name Yasar?

Yasar has an Arabic and Middle East origin.

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