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Origin, Meaning, And History Of Veronica

Veronica is of Greek origin and means “she who brings victory.” The name also means “true image” in Latin. Veronica comes from the Greek “Berenice,” which has its roots in the even older Macedonian “Phereníkē,” where”pherein ” means”to bring ” and”nike ” means”victory.” It is believed that Berenice was latinized to Veronica from “vera icon,” meaning “true image,” which in turn derives from Saint Veronica who wiped Jesus’s face with her veil and found his image imprinted on it.

Veronica may have been popularized by the Archie Comics but the name is rooted in ancient history. During the Hellenistic age, the name was used by royalty in the East Mediterranean region under Alexander the Great. Its popularity in the modern age is also accrued to Saint Veronica and the Veil of Veronica which is celebrated in the sixth Station of the Cross in many churches.

The most prominent spelling variation is “Veronika,” which is used in German, Danish, Norwegian, and other European languages. Some other shorter variations or pet names include Ron, Ronnie, and Nicky.

The name became a household name with the character Veronica Lodge in Archie comics. One of the main characters of the comic book series, a love interest of Archie and a friend of Betty, she was also called Ronnie in the series.

In 1989, the teen film Heathers had Winona Ryder playing one of the main charactersVeronica Sawyerwho leads a clique of four teenage girls. Interestingly, the name Veronica has mostly been associated with teenage female characters in popular culture. Case in point, Kristen Bell essayed the role ofVeronica Marsin the teen TV series by the same name in the mid-2000s.

English singer-songwriter Elvis Costello got his biggest hit called Veronica in 1989, which he co-wrote with the Beatles frontman Paul McCartney. The music video for the song won the MTV Video Music Award for Best Male Video and topped the Alternative Airplay chart of Billboard Magazine.


heart image
She who brings victory; True image
Latin, Portuguese
1 word, 8 letters, 4 vowels, 4 consonants
Medium length and moderately easy to pronounce

Pronounced asve-ro-nee-ca

The way you pronounce a name can make all the difference.

Listen to the sound of the name Veronica in English.

Famous People With The Name Veronica

  • VeronicaAmerican singer, 1990s diva of club music
  • Veronica BennettAmerican singer with stage name Ronnie Spector, who is considered the original “bad girl of rock and roll”
  • Veronica CartwrightAmerican actress with three Primetime Emmy Award nominations
  • Veronica MerrellAmerican actress and YouTuber
  • Veronica RothAmerican author, best known for her Divergent trilogy

Veronica On The Popularity Chart

Since the 1980s, Veronica has seen a dip in popularity. The graphic representation below will give you more information.

Popularity Over Time

With 4381 babies per million being named Veronica in 1980, the name was a popular choice for girls then. However, since then, it has seen a steady decline in popularity. In 2021, 727 babies per million were named Veronica.

Source:Social Security Administration

Rank Over Time

Veronica’s ranking had steadily declined since 1980, when it was ranked 70. It slipped below 100 in 1993, continuing to fall till 2016, when it touched 410. Its ranking improved slightly in 2018 but slipped to 432 in 2021

Source:Social Security Administration

Names With Similar Sound As Veronica

You want a name that sounds similar to Veronica but have not come across anything worthwhile? Have a look at the suggestions below.

Popular Sibling Names For Veronica

If you are looking for some matching sibling names that resonate with Veronica, check our suggestions here.

Boy Sibling Names For Veronica

Find matching brother names for Veronica and create a wonderful team of siblings.

Farhang Goodheart image Ferencheart image Francheart image Franckheart image Francklinheart image Francklynheart image Francoheart image Francoisheart image Franekheart image Frankheart image

Girl Sibling Names For Veronica

Looking for some suitable sister names for Veronica? Check out our collection of beautiful and unique names.

Firaunheart image Francelheart image Francelleheart image Francesheart image Franciheart image Franciaheart image Francieheart image Francinaheart image Francineheart image Franciskaheart image

Other Popular Names Beginning With V

Looking for more baby names starting with the letter V to resonate with your family’s naming tradition or to rhyme with the sibling names? Find a range of alternative names starting with this letter.

Names With Similar Meaning As Veronica

The meaning of the name Veronica is appealing but do you want a different name? Here are some options to consider.

Infographic: Know The Name Veronica‘s Personality As Per Numerology


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How To Communicate The Name Veronica In Other Languages

In Nautical Flags


In Sign Language


In Braille Alphabet


In Morse Code


Name Numerology For Veronica

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the meaning of the name Veronica?

The name Veronica means ‘she who brings victory.’

2. What is the origin of the name Veronica?


3. How to pronounce the name Veronica?

Veronica is pronounced as ve-ro-nee-ca.

4. What are some middle names that go well with the name Veronica?

If you are an Archies comics fan, you can pair Veronica with Betty as a middle name. You may also look for other Greek names that can suit Veronica, such as Demi, which has Greek and Latin roots and refers to ‘mother earth.’ In Greek, Sophia, meaning ‘wisdom,’ can also pair with Veronica’s meaning of ‘victory.’

5. Does the name Veronica have any variations or alternative spellings?

The name is spelled Veronika in German and Weronika in Polish. It is written as Verónica in Spanish and Portuguese, while in Russian, Nika is a common variant.

6. Is Veronica an ancient name?

Veronica is a traditional name associated with Saint Veronica, who lived in the first century during Biblical times. She is believed to have been the one who wiped Jesus’s forehead with her veil when He was carrying the cross and one of the people to accompany him to Calvary. Thus the name has been in use since ancient times.

7. How common is the name Veronica?

Veronica was relatively more popular in the early 2000s than now in the 2020s. However, although it slightly decreased in its ranking, it still holds a remarkable position among the top 1000 baby girl names in the US. In 2022, the name was given to 772 baby girls in the US (1).


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