110 Hilarious Jokes For Mom To Laugh Out Loud

Becoming a mother and looking after a child is not a piece of cake, and you need time for yourself. Hence, take some time off your parenting schedule, scroll through this post on mom jokes, and have a hearty good laugh. Attending to your baby’s needs is important, but so is taking care of yourself.

You may also share these corny and witty jokes with your partner, friends, and family for a few chuckles. Read on for some exciting and funny mom jokes that may help you rejuvenate yourself and add to your humor.

In This Article

100+ Funny Jokes For Mom

Listed below is a collection of funny mom jokes and puns that you can share with her through messages or read them out.

1. What is a universal mom code for “I don’t want to share.”

“It’s spicy.”

2. Why did the baby strawberry cry?

Because his mom was in a jam!

3. What did the baby corn say to the mama corn?

“Where’s Pop corn?”

4. Why is a computer so smart?

Cause it listens to its motherboard

5. What kind of flowers are best forMother’s Day?


6. What did the mama tomato say to the baby tomato?

Catch up!

7.蜘蛛在哪里学习如何做一个母亲’s Day gift?

Share mom jokes and have fun

Image: IStock

On the web.

8. Why did the children give their mom a blanket for Mother’s Day?

Because they thought she was the coolest mom.

9. What did the panda give his mommy?

A bear hug

10. What did mommy spider say to baby spider?

You spend too much time on the web.

11. When does Mother’s Day come before St. Patrick’s Day?

In the dictionary!

12. What did Timmy say to his mother when she set up his favorite feast for him?

You’re so grand, ma!

13. What kind of sweets do astronaut moms like?

Mars bars

14. Sunday school teacher: Tell me, Johnny. Do you say prayers before eating?

Johnny: No, ma’am, I don’t have to. My mom’s a good cook.

15. A police recruit was asked in his exam, “What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?”

He said, “Call for backup.”

16. Why did the cookie cry?

Because his mother was a wafer so long!

17. What did the mother say to the baby corn before it was time to go to school?

“Have an a-maiz-ing day!”

18.Daughter: Mum, what’s it like to have the greatest daughter in the world?

Mum: I don’t know dear, you’d have to ask Grandma

19. Why couldn’t mom put her crochet project down on Mother’s Day?

She was hooked on it.

20. What is the name of the angry mother of a pea?


21. Why were the rope children so quiet on Mother’s Day?

They were trying not to be knotty.

22. Why did the banana mom go to visit a doctor?

Because she was not peeling well

23. Where did the mother corn send her children to study?

In the sili-corn valley

24. Why did the mommy cat want to go bowling?

Alley cat Mom jokes for a good laugh

Image: IStock

She was an alley cat.

25. Why did corn mom get dressed up?

She had a cornball to attend at the school.

26. What is every mother’s favorite holiday destination?


27. Why don’t mothers wear watches?

There’s a clock on the stove.

28. To Mum: I’m hungry, I’m tired, I’m cold, I’m hot. Can I have…, Where are you?

To Dad: Where’s Mum?

29. Mom’s recipe for iced coffee: 1. Have kids. 2. Make coffee. 3. Forget you made coffee. 4. Drink it cold

30. Why was it so hard for the pirate to call his mom?

Because she left the phone off the hook

31. Why did the bean children give their mom a sweater?

She was chili

32. What was the name of the singer that mother liked the most?

Hannah Mom-tana

33. What did the mama say to the foal?

It’s pasture bedtime.

34. What did the baby Egyptian say when he got lost?

I want my mummy

35. Bought my mom a mug that says, “Happy Mother’s day from the World’s Worst Son.”

I forgot to mail it, but I think she knows.

36. What did the Egyptian family do on Mother’s Day?

Brought their mummy breakfast in bed

37. Why is Mother’s Day beforeFather’s Day?

So the children can spend all their Christmas money on mom.

38. Where did the cow family go on Mother’s Day?

The moo-vies

39. Ryan: Why did you chop the joke book in half?

John: Mom said to cut the comedy

40. What did the mother broom say to the baby broom?

It’s time to go to sweep!

41. Who granted the fish a wish?

The fairy codmother

42. Where do baby transformers come from?

Opti-mom prime!

43. What makes more noise than a child jumping on mommy’s bed?

Two children jumping on mommy’s bed!

44. Science teacher: “When is the boiling point reached?”

Student: “When my mother sees my report card!”

45. A child asks hisdad, “What’s a man?” The dad says, “A man is someone who is responsible and cares for their family.” The child says, “I hope one day I can be a man just like mom!”

46. One mom to another: Silence is golden. Unless you have children, then silence is suspicious.

47. Why was the house so neat on Mother’s Day?

Because Mom spent Saturday cleaning it

48. What does a momma color wheel say to a baby color wheel?

Don’t use that tone with me.

49. What is the most important day in Egypt?

Mummy’s Day

50. What did the lazy boy say to his mom on Mother’s Day when she was about to do the dishes?

Relax, mom… you can just do them in the morning.

51. How do you keep little cows quiet, so their mommy can sleep late?

Use the moooooote button.

52. What was Cleopatra’s favorite day of the year?

Hillarious mom joke to share

Image: IStock

Mummy’s day

53. Why don’t they have Mother’s Day sales?

Because mothers are priceless.

54. What did the children say to their mother to wish her a happy mother’s day?

They said, “Have a mom-entous Mother’s day.”

55. What did mommy pig put on her Mother’s Day pancakes?

Hog cabin syrup

56. What warm drink helps mom relax on Mother’s Day?

Calm-omile tea

57. How do you get the children to be quiet on Mother’s Day morning?

Say mums the word

58. What did Eeyore say to his mom on Mother’s Day when he served her breakfast in bed?

I hope thistle makes you happy.

59. Why did the mother needle get angry with the baby needle?

Because she got late, and it was past her thread-time!

60. What did the digital clock say to its mother?

Look, Ma! No hands!

61. What did the kittens give their mom for Mother’s Day?

A subscription to Good Mousekeeping

62. What has a long plume, wings, and wears a red bow?

A Mother’s Day pheasant

63. What did the mother say when her child was not trying to eat veggies?

Peas give them a chance.

64. Why did the mother’s day gift arrive the day after Mother’s Day?

It was chocoLATE

65. What kind of candy do moms love for Mother’s Day?

Her-she’s Kisses

66. Why did the mommy horse want to race on a rainy Mother’s Day?

She was a mudder

67. Why did mom get a plate of English muffins on Mother’s Day?

Her family wanted her to feel like a queen!

68. What did the child say after having her favorite sandwiches made by her mom?

She said, “This may sound cheesy, but you are grate.”

69. What did a child say after receiving a Star Wars’ toys from her mother on his birthday?

He said, “Yoda the best, ma.”

70. What magazine did the mommy cow read while her calves made a Mother’s Day brunch?


71. How is it that bat mothers sleep upside down?

Well, they get the hang of it!

72. What gift did the astronaut bring for her mother from outer space?

Mars bars

73. How did everyone react when the mother wanted to have a snack party in the neighborhood?

Everybody chipped in for mom.

74. What did the Martians wear to Mother’s Day dinner?


75. Who do flowers celebrate on Mother’s Day?

Their chrysanthemums

76. What do young computers do on Mother’s Day?

Give memory cards to their motherboards.

77. How did the panda open her Mother’s Day card?

With her bear hands

78. What did a snake mother want her baby snake to become once he grows up?

A civil serpent

79. What did the two moms eat when they hang out together?

Mothers eat M & M joke

Image: IStock

M & M’s

80. Why didn’t the teddy bear’s mommy want a big meal on Mother’s Day?

She was already stuffed!

81. What did Bruce Wayne’s mommy put over his crib?

A bat mobile

82. What did the baby light bulb say to the mommy light bulb?

I love you, watts and watts!

83. How do piglets wake their mama up on Mother’s Day?

With hogs and kisses

84. When would you hit a Mother’s Day cake with a hammer?

When it’s a pound cake

85. What was the mother preparing to give the father for their wedding anniversary?

A mom-ologue

86. Why do mother spiders spend most of their time on the web?

Because they learn stitching from the internet

87. What did a beaver say to her mother?

She said, “Mom, you are the best; there is no otter like you.”

88. Where do all the mother cars carry their baby cars?

On their mother hood!.

89. What do kids use to measure the temperature of the body when falling sick?


90. How did the alien boy write her Mother’s Day poem?

In uni-verses

91. What did the hermit crabs do on Mother’s Day?

They shellabrated their mommy.

92. What’s the best thing a new mom can get for Mother’s Day?

A long nap

93. What dessert did the mommy cat get after her Mother’s Day dinner?

Chocolate Mouse

94. Why was the Mother’s Day cake so hard?

It was a marble cake.

95. Why did the sea captain’s mommy go out on Mother’s Day?

To shop the sails

96. What should you make mom for dinner on Mother’s Day?

Anything you want – she’s just happy that she doesn’t have to make it!

97. Why was mom so happy to go to IHOP for pancakes on Mother’s Day?

She knew she wouldn’t have to do any dishes.

98. What did the waiter say to the mommy dog when he served Mother’s Day dinner?


99. What was the mommy cat wearing to breakfast on Mother’s Day?

She was still in her paw-jamas

100. What did the banana’s mommy get on Mother’s Day?


101. Why do sons love Mother’s Day so much?

Because it’s always on son day (Sunday)

102. Why do moms hope it doesn’t rain on Mother’s Day?

Because their children can’t play outside!

103. How did a grape thank her mother on Mother’s day?

It said, “I love you, mom, you did a fantastic job in raisin me.”

104. What did a koala bear say to her mother after returning home after many years?

I will stick around this and will spend some koala-ty time with you, mom.

105. What did the daughter say to her mom after gifting her flowers for Mother’s day?

She said, “I don’t say this a lot, but I am so happy to be or-chid

106. Which movie is the most favorite of mothers?

Mamma Mia is the favorite movie of mothers

Image: IStock

Mamma Mia!

107. How do all the children’s parents dress up during Halloween?

As Mummy and deadies

108. What did the mother shark say to her baby shark?

“Just watch your shark-asm, young boy!”

109. Why is cleaning with children a tough job for moms to do?

Because it is like cleaning teeth with Oreos

110. Which city is every mother’s favorite?

Mom-te Carlo

111. How did the mother tomato greet her baby tomato?

“Let’s Ketch-up, son!”

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it offensive to make fun of moms with mom jokes?

Mom jokes with clever wordplay can make a mother smile and lift her spirits. However, jokes that belittle her sacrifices and efforts, however, can be disrespectful and should be avoided.

2. What kind of humor do moms typically appreciate?

Moms enjoy humor that is lighthearted and presents an everyday circumstance with a humorous twist. They usually don’t appreciate jokes that have a degrading or demeaning tone.

3. Can mom jokes be considered a form of bullying or harassment?

妈妈的笑话是欺负强度nded to demean mothers. It is considered harassment if these jokes are made in front of other people to humiliate them.

4. Do moms ever make fun of their parenting with mom jokes?

If a mother has a sense of humor and enjoys a good laugh even at her own expense, she will not hesitate to make a joke about herself and her parenting skills.

母亲是不容易的,但是你可以通过this worthwhile journey with a little bit of silly teasing, jesting, giggles and laughter. These hilarious mom jokes are full of wit to kick away your blues and put a big smile on your face. So share these jokes with fellow mothers and make them laugh too. Scroll through these comical jokes anytime during the day to lighten your mood and bounce back with energy. These hilarious jokes will leave you in splits, so share them with your partner and children so you can laugh aloud together!

Infographic: Amusing Jokes To Have A Good Laugh With Mom

In our busy lives, we may not get much time to spend with our family, especially our moms, who always yearn for us. So, make the time you spend with your dearest momma cherishable by cracking some silly and funny hilarious jokes given in the infographic below. You can also share these jokes over text if you’re away.

funny jokes to share with your mama (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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