19 Sure Signs To Tell If A Guy Is Flirting With You

Is your male colleague or friend being too friendly and engaging with you lately? Then you might think his prolonged eye contact and playful touches are more than friendly gestures, and he’s up for something. If his behaviors leave you confused and make you wonder, ’Is he flirting with me?’ this post will answer all your questions. Flirting is fun, whether a touch on the hand or a flirty compliment. However, it can get difficult to tell if the gestures mean something more. You may not know his true intentions and romantic interests. It could be confusing to figure out if he is being too friendly or trying to be alluring and grab your attention, especially when you have a crush on him. If you cannot read his signals, we are here to help. Keep reading for some h telltale signs a man is flirting with you.

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Signs To Tell If A Guy Is Flirting With You

1. His body language changes

His body language changes

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Flirting isn’t just about the words you use. A huge part of communication involves body language. It’s a nonverbal tactic for pursuing and inviting attention from that special someone. A guy may give you plenty of visual cues to show you he’s interested. Playful touches like brushing your arm or caressing your hair, a certain amount of eye contact orprolonged eye contact, little things like standing very close to you, and a bold move like leaning close to you or smiling at you are all sure signs he’s interested and captivated by you.

2. He makes physical contact

Playful touches can be one of the surest and quickest ways to tell if someone is flirting with you.While the touches mentioned earlier are subtle ones, the following signs are more apparent and go beyond just a “brush” against your arm.

He will pull you closer when you’re walking together, hold your hand when you’re crossing the road, or play with your feet when you’re sitting across from each other leaving you intoxicated and longing for more. There’s nothing that can be more obvious than these. He will try to make your private space his and try to flirt with you becausehe likes you.Also, keep an eye out for a long, lingering hug that is sure to leave you stimulated. Remember, if any of these bothers you, feel free to express how you feel, speak your needs and physical boundaries that you may have. If he is a good guy, he will respect these boundaries with absolute ease.

3. He tries to impress you

He tries to make you laugh

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One of the most apparent signs he’s flirting with you is when he tries to impress you

During the flirting stage, a guy who likes you will attempt to show you his best sides. He’ll talk about his new apartment, his band, his promotion, or his talents. Some men may even shower you with expensive gifts, invite you to watch them play a sport, or make an extra effort to improve their physical appearance.

While it can seem like a sign of arrogance or bragging, be flattered because this sort of verbal flirting indicates he is trying to impress you and is a major sign he’s fascinated and enamored by you.

4. He compliments you

Compliments are a major sign of flirting behavior and help you easily gauge a guy’s interest level. If he’s genuinely interested, he will be enchanting and compelling by complimenting you on subtle things that you may not expect. It can be little things like a thoughtful compliment on your nail color or makeup or a flirty compliment about your new hairstyle. Even if it’s not a compliment, appreciate that he’s putting in the effort and paying close attention to the slightest change in your appearance.当他给你额外的关注,这是一个of the clear signs a guy isflirting with you

Guys aren’t quick to give out compliments, so if you’re getting them, perhaps he means every word. The more compliments you receive, the more he’s bringing out his flirtatious behavior. If you like him, compliment him back at some point; it’ll give him an amazing feeling! Just like anyone, men also want to be seen, acknowledged and celebrated. Genuinely celebrate him and highlight the good within him!

5. He tries to make you laugh

Often, when you share similar interests, it makes it easier for you both to transition from the flirting stage to something more serious. And it’s easier to date someone who shares the same sense of humor.

So, when a guy likes you, he will try to be charming, and he may do this by cracking jokes. When the guy you’re speaking to begins to throw in a few jokes in the middle of your conversation, he’s trying to make you laugh and grab your attention. This is an obvious sign of flirtatious behavior. Maybe he just wants to see how your smile changes, or he’s trying to put in the extra effort to make you comfortable. Usually, when a man wants to make you laugh, he wants to make you happy. When he sees you giggling, happy and lit up, he feels he has won and he will keep fighting for your joy. He knows that if he can get you to laugh or at least smile, he has a shot at getting close to you.

6. He maintains eye contact

Eye contact is a big one. It creates a shared moment of vulnerability between the two of you, which nobody else is a part of. It can become intimate very quickly, as in this case, without any verbal flirting, you’re communicating your true feelings. When a guy gives you a flirty compliment, he’ll try to hold eye contact with you for longer than most people. You’ll also notice his body language, facial expression, and smile change.

And when a guy is scared of saying something really awkward, he’ll use prolonged eye contact.Eye contact is one of the subtle signs a guy is flirting with you

7. He teases you

Teasing is a major sign that aguy likes you.伙计们,无论他们是青少年或成人have a habit of teasing a woman they’re interested in.

The teasing will not be spiteful, impolite, or hurt your feelings, but playful, lighthearted, and fun. He might mock you about your favorite movie, tease you about your favorite song, or playfully give younicknames.They may do this because they want your attention and to bring about playful energy.

8. He finds ways to start a conversation

When a guy likes you, he’ll put in extra effort to talk to you. What starts as a friendly conversation or small talk will soon turn into an intimate discussion and give you the chance to learn more about one another.

Again, he’ll manifest visual cues like head nods, prolonged eye contact, and smile when talking to you. If he’s present in the conversation, gives you positive responses, and keeps the conversation going, he probably has acrush onyou.

Sometimes, when a guy is unsure of what to say or is not great at starting a conversation, he might use his listening skills to pay extra attention to every little thing you say. This should give you a hint that he likes you.

9. He gives you his undivided attention


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When a man makes time for you and gives you his undivided attention, it’s the ultimate sign he’s flirting with you and interested in you.

Even when there are many other people around, he’ll make it seem like the other people don’t exist. He will have his eyes only on you, talk only to you, and listen only to you, for the most part. And when you speak, he will directly focus on you and listen to everything you have to say. When you become his sole focus, it’s one of thetelltale signshe is flirting.

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Another major sign he is flirting with you is he often clicks pictures with you. He might also share them on his social media with adorable captions.

10. He makes time for you

If a guy makes time and finds excuses to spend time with you, he likes you. Especially in a group situation, do you notice him talking to you in a flirty way and spending as much time with you as possible? When there are other guys around, he may try to give you undivided attention.

There’s a high chance that he wants to be more than your friend if he completes friendly conversations with other women quickly to get back to you, indulges in activities that you enjoy, or cancels plans with his guy friends to spend time with you.

11. He’s nervous around you

Just thinking about your crush gives you the heebie-jeebies. Similarly, men, too, get butterflies when they’re around the girl they like.

Every guy portrays nervousness differently. Some men may appear as cool, but on the inside, they’re nervous. For some, their body heat increases, and their palms get sweaty. You’ll also notice stutters when they are talking to you. Fidgeting is an indicator of nervousness.

Before you conclude that nervousness is a turnoff and don’t consider him as your prince charming, think again. Nervousness is actually a sign he likes you. He’s just unsure of how you feel or trying very hard to impress you.

12. He remembers the little details

If a guy remembers every detail you shared with him, including about your family or friends or something from a story you told him a few weeks ago, he’s a keeper! Men typically don’t remember such things. If your man does, he is paying extra attention to what you are saying and truly listening. It shows that he cares, and he’s invested in you. He wants to lap up all the tiny details about you to get to know you better.

It proves that you’re more important to him than you know, and he doesn’t forget any little detail associated with you. If he remembers even the most trivial details, such as your favorite color, it’s time to consider making this a serious relationship soon.

13. He treats you differently compared to other women

Some guys tend to have a nature that’s naturally charming and irresistible and always exhibit flirtatious behavior, like the frequent glancing and winking, leaving you charmed. Just because a guy likes to have a friendly conversation with you or throws a few flirty compliments your way, it doesn’t mean he likes you intimately.

Observe the little things that will give you a clue on how he feels. Does he lean in when he talks to you and pay close attention to every word you say? Even if there are other women around, if he focuses on you more than them, it shows he’s got a thing for you.

If you’re still confused if his thoughtful compliments are flirty ones, pay attention, and see if he is especially eager to meet your needs. If yes, he considers you special, and you stand out from the other women.

14. He wants to be near you

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If he acts like a puppy and won’t leave you alone, it’s a great sign! He does that because he adores you and wants to spend all his time with you. He craves your presence and wants to involve you in every part of his life.

Typically, guys will not really be subtle about this because if a man wants to spend time with you or be close to you, he’s going to make that happen. When he does, you’ll know it and feel it. Sometimes, you can overlook this gesture, but try to pay close attention to it and really notice it. Don’t mistake this as him being over-friendly; there’s a fine line between being friendly and flirty.

If a guy goes out of their way to be with you, it’s because he likes you. He wants you to be a part of all his plans because you make him happy and make everything seem better.

15. Texting you becomes his habit

A clear distinction between a guy who’s your friend who is just being nice and a guy who’s flirting is the effort he takes to stay connected to you. When he’s not with you, he will send you text messages throughout the day. Even if he has a super busy work schedule, he will take time out to reach out to you and check how you’re doing, what you’re up to, where you’re going, if you’ve eaten lunch, and if you want to meet him. It means he’s thinking about you and can’t resist reaching out. His texting can range from flirty messages, to genuinely seeing how you are. If he is consistent with checking in, it’s a great sign!

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He is either flirting with you or expressing his interest in you if he is subtly glancing at your lips.

16. He’s happy when he’s with you

Another way to know if he is flirting with you is to read his demeanor when he is around you. If his smile changes when you’re having a friendly talk, if he laughs a lot, if his mood heightens, if he forgets all his worries, and if he’s in the present with you, he’s into you. If you pay close attention, you’ll be able to tell if he likes you by looking at his facial expressions.

17. He becomes Mr. Nice Guy

When you’re out together, he offers to buy you a drink, he showers you with flirty compliments at every given opportunity, and he drops you back home and ensures your safety. Men usually go out of the way to take care of women close to them. So, if your guy goes out of his way to do things for you, it’s a telltale sign he’s into you and is flirting with you.

18. He makes plans to be around you

A guy who’s flirting with you will try his best to make plans to see you again. While he might say it jokingly or say something silly about taking you to Disney World, he genuinely wants to see you again, and it doesn’t matter where. He wants to hang out with you one-on-one and get to know you better. This is a major sign that he’s got a thing for you.

19. He comes right out and says it

He comes right out and says it

Image: IStock

Lastly, when he comes right out and says he has true feelings for you, it’s a sure sign he’s flirting and likes you. Whether your co-worker or friend gives you a flirty compliment or it’s your crush, when you hear it right from their mouth, it’s the truth! Sometimes, when a man knows what he wants, he’s explicit and direct and leaves no room for doubt. Confident guys go for such moves, and it’s a good one.

它可以是his way to prove his maturity or could indicate he is a go-getter. So, if he’s upfront and tells you he wants a serious relationship, you better believe it!

Is it genuine flirting or just friendly behavior? Discover the answers in this useful video.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does it mean when a guy is flirting?

If a guy is flirting with you, it may not necessarily mean he likes you. He may flirt with you to probe your reaction. He may also flirt to show his interest in you and intends to take this equation to the next level.

2. What is micro-flirting?

Micro-flirting is when you use a flirty tone or gestures with someone who isn’t your partner. It is very similar to cheating but in a subtle way. Some examples of flirting on a micro level include going out of the way to help someone, admiring a person’s sense of fashion, and sending a text message to that person and deleting them. When these practices are combined with deceit, they can create a problem.

3. What should you do if you don’t like a guy who is flirting with you?

Communicate your feelings honestly and directly. Make the person know your boundaries and be assertive. Use non-verbal cues, such as avoiding eye contact, to show your disinterest. Maintain composure and avoid being confrontational or aggressive to express denial. If the person’s flirting persists and makes you uncomfortable, confide in friends or trusted individuals who can offer support and guidance. Additionally, limit interaction with the person if needed, and maintain distance to ensure your comfort and safety.

4. What is the difference between friendly conversation and flirting?

The intention and manner of communication, such as the interaction’s context and tone, are the main areas of difference between a friendly conversation and flirting. In a friendly conversation, individuals engage in casual dialogue without any romantic or sexual undertones. They discuss common interests or share information in a light-hearted manner. Conversely, flirting involves suggestive behavior intended to express romantic or sexual attraction. It often includes compliments, non-verbal cues, innocent teasing, or flirtatious remarks beyond friendly realms.

5. How should a girl respond when a guy is flirting with her?

你如何回应男人的调情依靠什么you want from the relationship. So, first, assess your feelings and determine if you want to reciprocate the guy’s flirting. If yes, you may make yourself approachable to him and respond to his approach accordingly. However, if you do not like flirting, do not hesitate to express yourself confidently. Be clear about your boundaries and remove yourself from any situation that does not feel right.

Are you confused if he’s just being friendly or if there is something more to those random compliments and teasing? There is a thin line between being friendly and flirty, and this list of obvious flirting signs can help satiate your curiosity. So if you are wondering, “Is he flirting with me?” don’t jump to conclusions just yet and create an embarrassing situation for yourself. Instead, take help from the above list to observe and analyze his actions and make a decision based on your better judgment.

Infographic: Ways To Respond To A Guy’s Flirting

Responding to a guy’s flirting can be tricky. However, clarity about what you expect from the situation can help you set boundaries with him or build a connection. In this infographic, we share practical tips on responding to a guy’s flirting based on whether you enjoy his flirting or dislike his unnecessary teasing and attention. Read the infographic carefully and learn the subtle yet tricky art of responding to a guy’s flirting.


Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Key Pointers

  • There’s a thin line between flirting and being friendly that you should be able to figure out.
  • Changes in his body language or finding ways to converse with you are a few signs that indicate his interest in you.
  • Better to approach him and ask him directly if you cannot understand the cues.
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